
CollegePostings provides hub for student classifieds, a student-based and student-created posting site allows Cal State Long Beach students to directly buy and sell products to each other for no additional charge.

Social networking websites, like MySpace and Facebook, and classified posting sites, like, allow similar interactions between individuals, selling everything from textbooks, to dishwashers, to services needed, etc. Instead of being geographically specific, however, College Postings is exclusive to each college or university.

“I tried to keep it community-based,” said Kenny Walker, the website’s creator.

According to Walker, a senior business marketing major at Sonoma State University, the site offers more options than other sites in that a link to Facebook and MySpace are available every time a student posts something. This allows the student to display an ad on their personal profile, as well as send out an ad message to every one of their friends on the social networking sites.

“That’s what’s going to make this truly unique and work,” Walker said.

CSULB’s page has seen some of the largest amounts of hits compared to other colleges on the site since it went live on Aug. 26, Walker said, “with absolutely no marketing.”

Walker told several of his Long Beach friends, but can only attribute the 74 postings already on the site to the few people he has mentioned the website to.

“It has to be word of mouth,” Walker said. “And see the thing is I haven’t told everyone I know.”

Walker said the website is spam-proof. “There are a lot of codes I have behind the scenes to keep people from spamming … keep people out if they are abusing it.”

There are no advertisements on the website, and only employers are charged $65 per advertisement, which is only because of spam ads, Walker said.

CSULB students have responded positively to the website thus far, and find comfort in knowing the postings are local.

“At least the person is in the area,” said Ashton Clark, a junior photography major. “Because the shipping thing is always weird.”

“It’s more controlled –less likely to be chaotic,” said Eric Sath, a senior kinesiology major.

In comparison to, students felt Craigslist is not always reliable.

“You can’t trust everything because people set up scams and stuff,” said freshmen civil engineering major, Stephen Beauchamp. He mainly noted that this happens when trying to buy sports tickets.

Walker hopes students will feel at ease in using the website.

“I’m not trying to knock Craigslist at all, I’m just trying to go further,” Walker said.

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1 Comment

  1. wow… cool website. Why is this just now coming out?

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