Sunday’s opening reception at the student art galleries on upper campus showcased such an eclectic variety of art. Tucked away in nook and cranny of the art department, you wouldn’t even know that an event, let alone an art show was taking place. The cozy space is comprised of five different art galleries with ample space for deejay’s, food tables, and places to sit and converse with some of your friends.
As I was walking towards the galleries, I could hear the upbeat music and low hum of conversations from the grassy quad. The atmosphere was warm and welcoming despite the low clouds and dropping temperature. Food tables were plentiful with an abundance of beverages. I hit the food tables first and walked around looking for familiar faces and people I kind of knew.
Walking amidst the crowd, I saw some of the Photo Club members who I had interviewed earlier that week, and they showed me the way to their space. The “Las Vegas Vacation” in the Gatov West Gallery was everything I expected it to be. The nude call girl cards and flashy hotel images brought me back to my own memories of Las Vegas. The use of light and blurry exposures really gave me the feeling of inebriation and the over whelming feeling of a city that truly never sleeps. One piece that really intrigued me was the comic strips that shared a story of a man trying to obtain a “call girl” just for his own experiment. I stood there for more than 15 minutes with a small group of people laughing and reading each of the conversation bubbles. I was impressed by the fine details and humorous dialogue. I could definitely see how much fun they had during their trip to Las Vegas through their photographs.
What really amazes me is how you can wander into these different galleries and be in another world. Art can truly move you and question your own sense of sight and sound.
The next gallery I stumbled upon featured works by two GAFA/CSULB exchange program students, who ventured off into China for a semester. This showcased their trip and works they created during their semester. I really enjoyed the stark differences between the two artists and their own perception of China. One side of the gallery was filled with paintings of rural, undeveloped countryside of Guangzhou. The other artist used photographs of urban university life, college students sitting under ramps and freeways bridges. In a weird way, it all connected. Where the paintings left off, the photographs finished the story.
After exploring all that I could explore, I found my way in the Werby Gallery with a show titled What is Pocket Change? This exhibition involving five different artists, examined the words pocket, and change. Each artist was asked to create art with those two words as their theme of inspiration. Most of the art showcased were installations pieced together very carefully with a mission in mind. One piece used circles, yarn, cut out bright colors and intricate shapes that leaped off the walls. I couldn’t tell what the piece actually was, but I knew what I felt. I stood there amazed at how the artist used everything with a purpose and it told a story. I didn’t need to understand it. I knew what it was to me.
All in all, I absolutely enjoyed myself. These art events are free and happen every Sunday. It is a good time to see friends, meet new ones, munch on some food, drink , and relax before Monday rolls around. You don’t need to drive very far if you are local and there is always something to see.
Fine & Performing Arts