
Students may push to increase campus awareness about academic appeal policy

A new resolution by Associated Students Inc. aimed at informing students of their right to appeal academic policy was approved in its first reading.

According to, the academic appeal process is a way “students may petition for exception to academic policy.” Issues such as record errors, general education substitutions and exceptions to the repeat/delete policy are subject to request.

“Students have a right to these appeal processes, but are often unaware of them and do not exercise their rights,” ASI Executive Director Richard Haller said.

Requiring a little more than the submission of a written appeal to the Academic Appeals Committee, the academic appeals process is simple. However, according to Haller, many students are unaware that such a process even exists.  

“The existence of these appeal processes is not regularly communicated to students,” Haller said. “Complicating matters is the fact that the specific procedures vary from college to college and even [from] department to department.”  

In addition to the passage of the resolution, ASI plans to advocate for increased awareness of the academic appeals process. Haller said that he thinks the first step is to establish a consistent standard procedure that applies to all departments and colleges. 

“We would then like to see these standards and procedures communicated to all students when they are first admitted to the university,” Haller said. “Perhaps through SOAR or an updated version of University 100.” 

The resolution was generally well-received when read in the ASI meeting on March 16. Its approval was met with only minor suggestions. 

“I have a couple of issues with it,” Senator Jacob Rice said. “[but] I like the general purpose.”

Students can find “Petition for Exception to Academic Policy” forms in the Office of Enrollment Services in Brotman Hall Room 101 or the Academic Advising Center in Horn Center, Room 103. 

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