
Put away the swimwear and pull out your sweaters, fall is here

Fall is one of the best times to decorate with scarecrows, pumpkins, and harvest decor. Photo credit: Ashley Wilkes

Days of sun and heat diminish as the sky makes way for gloomy days. Pumpkin spice flavored everything lines the shelves of every store.

Fall, the best season of all, is here.

There is no doubt that the summer heat and beach days will be missed, but who really likes dealing with car seats that burn your bare legs and back?

The persisting heat is finally seeing the end of its days and replacing itself with air that has a subtle chill to it. This weather is perfect to enjoy a stroll or even attend your local pumpkin patch or autumn festival.

With its long holiday breaks and extra cozy clothes, there is no doubt that winter is beautiful, but the weather makes me feel otherwise.

It doesn’t even snow in Long Beach. All we get here is the cold, which to those living here, always feels 20 degrees less than it actually. For most, the blistering cold weather outside makes staying indoors, and doing absolutely nothing, seem much more appealing.

The spring is also lovely, with all the plants blooming and animals coming out of hibernation, but the pollen allergies and oscillating weather that come with it are a reminder of why it is not quite the best season.

The fall isn’t only about crunching leaves, cozy candles, and seasonal drinks, it’s also a great opportunity to transition and reset.

For many, the fall is back-to-school season, which means a clean slate. It’s a time that many attempt to freshen up their routines and adopt better sleeping habits.

Earlier fall mornings and shorter days act as a catalyst that encourage an earlier and more efficient routine.

Another unique quality to the fall season would be its many opportunities to decorate. There is nothing quite like scampering to the nearest Home Goods store to sift through dozens of cozy fall candles, fuzzy blankets and festive room decor.

Besides, who doesn’t love bundling up in a blanket to watch a scary movie with a hot drink in your hand as the anticipation of the holidays sits in the back of your mind?

Whether you like the season or not, there is no doubt that fall is superior in many ways.

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