
Students spill the tea on how they’re preparing for virtual finals

Bella Arnold

Second-year journalism major

“I like to make really extensive to-do lists that outline my responsibilities per class, and I take that info and create a really specific schedule for myself. Planning out everything in advance is super helpful so I can let my mind focus on studying and preparing for final projects and tests.”

Lillian Li

First-year pre-production major

“I’m just trying to make sure I set aside enough time for breaks in between studying, and by studying I mean drawing feverishly because I’m an art major. It’s a little difficult to feel like I have enough time for everything, but I’m trying to keep track of what projects will take longer.”

Sanjesh Singh

Third-year journalism major

“I have six finals in my five classes, so since I’m home 24/7 and doing work 24/7, I’m dedicating a few hours of study time a day for each final, including weekends. My goal is to maintain my current GPA, and I don’t want the pandemic to ruin those plans like it ruined everything else this year.”

Cindy Aguilera

Third-year journalism major

“Enough sleep, water and therapy.”

Kelli Nakamura

Second-year Asian American studies major

“I use Google Calendar to keep track of due dates.  Since most of my finals are projects or papers, I logged my due dates into my personal calendar.  Moreover, I’m making mini due dates and setting reminders to finish certain components of the project so that I’m not scrambling at the last minute to finish papers.  That way, I can spend the last few days revising my papers before they’re due.”

Mitali Jain

First-year pre-nutrition and diet

“I am reviewing all my notes from the semester. I am trying to complete all the homework, and then I am focusing on reviewing. I am starting from the things that are very easy for me and won’t take long to review, and then working on the harder ones. Also I write all my questions down so I can ask a tutor later.”

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