
Bob Costas should stick to his guns when it comes to his opinion

NBC’s Bob Costas came under much scrutiny after he made references to gun control during Sunday night’s Philadelphia Eagles and Dallas Cowboys football game.

The comments were not out of context. Just the day before, Kansas City Chiefs linebacker Jovan Belcher killed his girlfriend and subsequently committed suicide in the stadium parking lot after thanking his coach and general manager for his opportunity in the NFL. Belcher’s death shocked the sports world and was surprising due to his youth and lack of illness or injury.

Of course, as remorseful as the day was, Costas took the opportunity on network television to express his views on guns. Costas said, “If Jovan Belcher didn’t possess a gun, he and Kasandra Perkins would both be alive today.”

While this may be left up for scrutiny, gun supporters wasted no time in lambasting Costas online and forcing his publicist to make an announcement the following morning to clear up what Costas had said.

The announcement said Costas “feels an unfortunate leap was taken that he was advocating taking away Second Amendment rights. He was not.” Instead, it was explained Costas is, “in favor of people owning guns to hunt and carrying them in reasonably controlled circumstances.”

I’ve learned the hard way not to advocate gun control and I know how quick gun supporters will turn to defend the Second Amendment. But, I envy that as it is their opinion, a very strong one at that.

However, I think it is sad that Costas – or the powers that be at NBC – feel his opinions must be toned down and apologized for. Yes, maybe this conversation doesn’t belong on an NFL telecast, but what was said has been said and Costas should stick to what he believes in.

At the same time, people who get in a fuss at what Costas said are just as much a part of the problem as Costas.

If you think Costas poses any threat to gun control you are out of your mind.

All Costas does is talk sports and he works for a company that skewers Olympics coverage. He is not an opinion leader in any right.

Chasen Doerr is a senior journalism major and the opinions editor for the Daily 49er.


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