The library is supposed to be a place of refuge. Everyone knows the fifth floor is the holy ground. Finding a nice place to study or do homework, but still being able to talk with your friends is invaluable for students.
But, even though the fifth floor is the official talking floor, you still find students chatting on the other floors in the library.
Most days, it’s not too bad and you can brush it off by focusing your attention on your work. But, during finals all bets are off.
Cal State Long Beach boasts a diverse student body, but something we can all agree on is feeling the stress of finals.
That feeling crosses all cultural and socioeconomic barriers.
We can also all relate to needing a quiet place to disconnect from the rest of the world and study. That’s why the library is so ideal. But, when unfocused students come in and ruin the quiet, calm atmosphere, it affects everyone.
If you are going to the library this week, try to keep your focus on studying or writing your paper. Students are bound to procrastinate and find ways to distract themselves during finals, but keep it silent. You’ll finish faster and you won’t bother the students around you.
And while you’re in the library, watch out for the crazy new signs posted inside. The new signs warn students against camping in the library, bringing microwaves and refrigerators and moving bolted furniture. Basically, if you’re planning on living in the library this week, you’re going to have to go with Plan B.
It is pretty tempting to pull a few all nighters and just move into the library this week, but the school would really prefer if you didn’t. Even though the library is a great place to study, it really isn’t the most ideal place to live, even if it is just for the week.
If you’re at a point in your life where finals stress has you contemplating a weeklong stay in the library, just take a deep breath and reconsider. Finals stress is overwhelming, but you get used to it over time. Once you buckle down and focus you energy and attention, it’s not as bad as it seems. Finals stress is something we have to deal with every semester, so stressing out about it too much only adds to the anxiety.
Listen to some music and take a breather.
Everyone deals with stress differently, but freaking out during finals week will hurt you more than help you. If you’re going to be in the library, keep it quiet and try to keep yourself from distracting everyone else. It’s tempting to bring a pillow or a blanket, but don’t try to move in. And if you feel like you’re on the brink of a mental breakdown, remember you’ll get through it. Once the week ends you can celebrate all summer long and keep yourself stress-free – until next time.
Alexis Reza is a senior journalism major and opinions editor for the Daily 49er.