
University unsure if it could enroll spring transfers

 Potential students can apply this month for enrollment for spring 2011. Cal State Long Beach officials say, however, that it’s unclear if the University will have the financial means to enroll them.

“We are accepting the applications at this point without knowing whether or not we’ll be able to ultimately enroll the students until we have a state budget,” said Toni Beron, assistant vice president of public affairs.

The Cal State University system is waiting on the state legislature to agree on the proposed budget that was revised by Gov. Schwarzenegger in May, said David Dowell, CSULB vice provost. “The governor proposed to restore $365 million from the $625 million that was cut last year,” he said.

Dowell said, that CSULB has received more than 370 applications in just two days. The decision to go ahead and accept applications came from the Chancellor’s Office level.
The school is sending letters to the students who are applying that say “we can only consider your application,” Dowell said.

The 2010 spring semester was completely closed to incoming students. In spring 2009 Cal State Long Beach only accepted applications from graduate students, while spring 2008 was actually the last time the school was open to applications from undergraduates and graduate students.

If the budget goes through, an estimate of 2,600 students will be accepted to CSULB during spring 2011, Dowell said.

“The bottom line is that we are asking for applications from upper division transfers students for spring 2011,” Beron said.

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