The hosts Naoki Gima and Matthew Gomez bring on the very first student-athletes to ever join the show, Jasmine and Jenae Leovao. After being joined by university administration, coaches and industry professionals, the guys finally break the seal and get a two-on-two interview with a pair of student-athletes.
The Leovao sisters already have very accomplished collegiate careers in their short season and a half of competition. They recently competed in the Wishbone Brawl after working various non-competition jobs at the event and both sisters competed in the 2023 Big West Women’s Golf Championship.
Hosts: Naoki Gima, Matthew Gomez
Guests: Jasmine Leovao, Janae Leovao
Editor: Aidan Swanepoel, Ellie Creighton
Producers: El Nicklin, Aidan Swanepoel
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