“Black Panther: Wakanda Forever” is the newest film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Released on Nov. 11, this film depicts the challenges Wakanda faces as a nation after the death of King T’Challa. It is full of raw emotions like grief and vengeance.
The cast delivers a sensational performance in the emotional journey throughout the film.
With the unforeseen passing of the actor Chadwick Boseman, who played T’Challa in “Black Panther,” the film’s script had to be altered. It was done in a brilliant manner.
The film features heart-wrenching monologues at times. With the intense pressure to take on the main role in this film, actress Letitia Wright, who plays Shuri, does an outstanding job.
She is definitely the highlight of this film, as her display of Shuri’s raw emotions after her brother’s loss is superb. Seeing Shuri become the new Black Panther and deal with consuming vengeance after loss puts you at the edge of your seat.
Wright’s dynamic acting in this film proved she has what it takes to be the face of this franchise.
Wakanda’s existence becomes known globally, along with the loss of their protector. They work to conserve vibranium, as its incredible abilities can be a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands.
The CIA detects vibranium in the Atlantic Ocean and goes looking for it. Following their siege, they are attacked by an unknown threat.
The threat is revealed to be “Namor”, a new anti-hero who has mutant powers, including immense strength and the ability to fly.
He comes from an undiscovered civilization, which we learn is an underwater kingdom named Talokan. They also possess the powerful resource vibranium.
Namor is played by actor Tenoch Huerta and he does an incredible job. Huerta’s sublime acting gives the character much ferocity and likeness. The character’s perspective and motivation are understandable to the audience, but he is not the generic evil super villain.
As of recent times, MCU villains have lacked quality with their villains, but Huerta’s stellar performance as Namor puts his villain up there with the likes of Thanos and Killmonger.
The scenes revealing the kingdom are absolutely stunning and overlaid with beautiful music. The special visual effects used to create Talokan were well-perfected and the underwater cinematography was enticing.
The film periodically features great use of its soundtrack and it plays into the emotions you feel as a viewer. It’s a lengthy film, at about three hours, but it barely feels like it as you’re engaged in the storytelling the whole time.
Fans who may have been disappointed with Marvel’s “MCU: Phase Four” movies so far are in for a treat with this one. Be prepared for an emotional roller coaster; this one hits hard.
Director Ryan Coogler did a great job on this film by trimming down the MCU comedy that has been heavily featured in some of their latest projects such as “Thor: Love and Thunder” and “She Hulk.”
The film does feature a few jokes here and there, but they are well-placed. It was refreshing to finally get a film in the MCU with a serious tone.