
Our View-Bush shackling Obama with self-serving regulations

Toward the end of a presidency, last minute regulations pushed by the departing administration are commonplace. During the last months of a stint in the White House, the commander in chief passes laws that represent the administration’s ideals and push a certain agenda.

The Bush administration is doing just that before the end of its two-term tenure, effectively handcuffing President-elect Barack Obama before he gets to change the drapes in the Oval Office.

The problem is that this administration’s ideals have proven horribly wrong for America and these regulations will only continue to guide us down a jagged path of nonsensical destruction.

Unwilling to learn from the financial crisis, the administration is forcing through last-minute laws that will deregulate power plants, mines and farms, lower drinking water standards and allow higher emissions to emerge from oil refineries, according to multiple reports.

What is going on here? Republicans do not like big government and tend to deregulate, but this is more than just creating a few loose rules. Our national health is at stake. Haven’t we learned that regulations and a tiny bit of government involvement help prevent disasters?

This deterioration of consumer and environmental protections is not something that can easily be reversed; to change any of the approximately 90 last-minute laws, the new administration will have to sit through lengthy hearings and regulatory proceedings, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Not only has the departing clique walked us through a forest of malarkey for the past eight years, it is going to leave a mess that requires time and money to clean up.

When Bush took office in 2001, he was able to block the completion or implementation of 254 regulations former-Pres. Bill Clinton enacted. The ones that did make it were modified to meet Republican standards, according to the Los Angeles Times.

What Bush did was stop changes that would have improved our lives — regulations like airline safety, indoor air pollutants, clean waterways, protecting pristine forests from over exhaustion, and tougher standards for arsenic levels in drinking water.

These regulations made sense when Clinton signed them and they make sense now. Bush wants to redo his 2001 undoing by furthering bad policy. He wants to cater to private business, while taking a dump on the environment and befouling human essentials.

Not only did Bush erase environmental protections, he is going to do more damage before he leaves. How does this make sense and how can anyone think lowering standards is a good thing? How does allowing more crap to float in our water help us?

Bush was able to reverse many Clinton regulations because they were too rushed — many of them were not finished, and some had not been enacted yet. To ensure protection against the same thing happening to his changes, Bush is starting early. He plans to have these regulations executed well before Obama’s administration officially enters 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Our president should be strong enough to do what is best for the U.S., not just good for one party. Environmental protections make sense because they affect everybody. Ensuring clean water, protecting forests and cleaning up air pollutants all make good sense.

What doesn’t make sense is this guy’s lame-duck activities.

If we learned anything from the financial crisis it is that no one is smart enough or strong enough to self regulate. Checks and balances are an integral part of how the government should work and are crucial for other parts of society, as well; parts like protecting this thing we live on.

This is almost a predictable end to Bush’s preposterous presidency; screwing the next guy while padding his own retirement through the same cronyism that has been the hallmark of eight-years of hegemony.


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  1. I agree that a few examples or “facts” would have been nice to see in this article. Exactly how does less regulation gaurantee that there will be more “crap” floating in our water 49r. From what I’ve seen government regulation doesn’t do anything to ensure that we are safe from “crap.” FOR EXAMPLE, this year alone there were several instances where tainted fruits and vegetables made it passed FDA standards. Remember all of those tainted tomatoes and peppers?

  2. Basically, Bush and Cheney trying to create an internal structural dilemma for the next administration by wreaking havoc and turmoil on the environment to pad their own wallets with oil money. He cost McCain the election with his ineptitude and this is his way of making things right, as well as giving big oil another boost with their corporate grip on U.S. policy. You should check your facts since you “don’t have any info to combat his argument” before you call the author biased. Otherwise, you are the one displaying true bias, “Riiight?”

  3. Which planet do you predict this near future to occur on, Bill. You must have been one of those 22-year super seniors when you graduated in ’79. How old were you when you came to the conclusion that Bush (either one) was a great leader? Alzheimer’s is convenient, eh Bill? No blame, end game.

  4. OK “Staff” – get a few years of grown up life experience under your belt and take a second look. Nothing like age to add some perspective to current events. In the near future, Bush will be seen as a fine leader. Let the flaming begin…

  5. This article is very very one sided. I don’t have any info to combat his argument, but obviously the author is bias. So basically, what you are saying is Bush is trying to poison the US before he leaves office. Riiight…

  6. OK “Staff” – get a few years of grown up life experience under your belt and take a second look. Nothing like age to add some perspective to current events. In the near future, Bush will be seen as a fine leader. Let the flaming begin…

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