
Bottoms up: A celebration guide for all Valentine’s Day opposers

There exist two kinds of people in this world: the cute, lovey-dovey Valentine’s Day fanatics, and the bitter, anti-love Valentine’s Day boycotters. We hear it every year, “Valentine’s Day is only there to obnoxiously remind you of your lover, or lack thereof.” Well, I think it’s my time to lead through example.


Throughout the years I’ve realized that whether I have a boyfriend or not, I personally dislike Valentine’s Day. Sure, it’s an excuse to celebrate with a lover for a day, but it upholds a romantic expectation that I resent fulfilling and it puts a damper on my wallet. I’m nothing close to being a romantic.


After years and years of hearing and — I’ll admit — partaking in the whining and complaining that transpires around Valentine’s Day, I’ve chosen to stop my bitching and find a solution. Last Valentine’s Day I drove up to Santa Barbara to visit my boyfriend. We had breakfast at a cute, little restaurant, took a nice stroll on the beach and the rest of that ridiculousness you would only hear about in a storybook — or on Valentine’s Day. This year, I’m swimming against the mainstream current and changing the day around a little bit. Instead of dedicating the day to a significant other and our relationship, I’m dedicating my day to all my loved ones at my preferred location: the bars. What better way to celebrate than taking advantage of all of those Valentine’s Day drink specials?


The day does not need to be hyped up as a day for couples to acknowledge and express their gratitude for their relationship. Isn’t that what anniversaries are for anyway? Valentine’s Day is not a day addressed only to couples; rather, it’s a day that addresses the love and appreciation an individual has for everyone surrounding them. Thus, it can be celebrated appropriately with whomever one desires.


So, for those of you out there who are bitter about love — and I’m sure I’m speaking to the vast majority of our population — let’s be considerate to the few who continue to optimize love and quit our complaining.

Instead, we can make the most of the holiday and celebrate our love for whatever it is that truly makes us happy. This year, my toasts will be going to my undying love for my independence, because that’s really all anyone needs to be happy. So, cheers mate! To whatever makes you happy.


Sonia Guillen is a junior journalism major and the opinions editor of the Daily 49er.

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