
Police respond to calls concerning assault, grand theft and vandalism

Illustration by Joel Vaughn

Push comes to shove – Police received a call reporting an assault in the area surrounding the Human Services and Design buildings at 5:30 p.m. Feb. 1. The student claimed the subject confronted the individual, shoved him and then fled the scene before University authorities arrived.

“The subject in this case is currently under investigation,” said Lieutenant Richard Goodwin of the University Police Department. “This is a subject there’s been previous context with. We’re looking into it right now.”

Due to ongoing investigation of the subject, University Police are not at liberty to release the individual’s name.

Defacement in the bathroom – An anti-Semitic act of vandalism in the girl’s bathroom of the Fine Arts 3 building was brought to the attention of University Police at 9:31 p.m. Feb. 5. The graffiti was scrawled on a stall in the bathroom.

“The writing was, and I quote, ‘Hitler did nothing wrong,’” said Goodwin. “It was written with a purple sharpie. A work order was submitted to clean up the damage.”

Upon inspection of other stalls, the individual who reported the crime found no further defacement. There were no witnesses and authorities currently do not have a suspect.

Computer thief strikes unsuspecting victim – An individual called University Police to report the theft of a black HP laptop at 7:34 p.m. Feb. 4. The computer, which was valued at $1,000 dollars, was stolen from the first floor of the University Library between the computer lab and Starbucks areas. A report was filed but there are currently no suspects.

“The problem is if the bad guys are circulating through there and they’re looking for somebody to leave their stuff,” Goodwin said. “You walk away and they swoop in and take your computer.”

He advises students to keep a close eye on their valuables.

Mental Disturbance – A request for University Police presence at the off-campus residential living center known as Beachside college was reported at 2 p.m. Feb. 4. Concerned about another student’s well-being, the subject called authorities and reported the student was not feeling well.

When authorities arrived, the student was determined to be a police code 51/50, a potential danger to themselves or others, and was removed from the scene. The subject was transported by police to a hospital under non-life threatening conditions.

Sexual Assault – University Police issued an email blast to alert students of an act of assault that took place on campus at 9:45 a.m. on Feb. 11. The incident, which took place at the Beachside college lawn, involved a male student who was approached by an unknown male suspect who then put his arm around the student. Becoming uncomfortable, the male student got up and left the area and entered a building at Beachside, where the suspect then followed him up the stairs. After having followed the student onto the stairs, the suspect grabbed the victim’s genitals before fleeing the building. Campus authorities describe the suspect as a white male in his mid to late twenties. The suspect was last seen wearing a dark shirt and blue jeans and is described to be 6 feet 1 inch, have short light brown hair as well as blue eyes. Police encourage anyone with information that may help identify the perpetrator to come forward.


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