
Bench Press Contest sees record turnout

Kinesiology junior Will Garcia, weighing in at 130 pounds, lifts 300 pounds during a bench press contest in the Student Recreation and Wellness Center on Wednesday.

Forty Cal State Long Beach students came out to compete in the third annual Bench Press Contest in the Student Recreation and Wellness Center yesterday.

The stadium-style competition gave participants three chances to lift their heaviest possible weight, with at least a one-minute rest in between each lift.

The initial lifting weight started at 80 pounds and increased in five-pound increments, until the heaviest attempt was reached at 375 pounds.

Judging members of Associated Students Inc. Fitness scored the competitors based on each student’s best lift as well as his or her weight class.

The winners were selected based on the best pound-for-pound ratio, or the lightest competitor who had the heaviest lift. Winners were also selected from each weight class for the men.

Jessie Fowler, a junior film major and the only female winner as the Women’s Pound-for-Pound champion, said she trains six days a week at Gold’s Gym in Venice to prepare for competitions such as this one.

“It’s hard to start,” said Fowler, whose heaviest lift was 135 pounds. “It’s a total lifestyle change but you have to stick to it. My favorite part is watching my body change. I’ve put on 20 pounds of muscle in the last year.”

Other contestants like junior kinesiology major Will Garcia said warming up and maintaining a good form while lifting are also important.

“You have to really train everything, not just [the] chest but [the] legs, back, even core,” Garcia said. “It really all helps on the bench.”

Garcia, who has been competing professionally in weight lifting for five years as a member of USA Powerlifting, was the Men’s Pound-for-Pound champion, pressing 300 pounds with a body weight of only 130 pounds.

A total of six champions were announced, including Garcia and Fowler. Winners received plaques, as well as a photograph of them receiving their award.

Gift certificates from the SRWC were also awarded to the champions for free personal training sessions, “Bod Pod” body composition tests, and massages.

Tony Nunez, the lead personal trainer for the ASI Fitness Desk at the SWRC, said this was the best turnout he has seen in the past three years, and he expects future events to be bigger.

“The competitors were motivating to the people watching,” Nunez said. “It’s great to see some people even put up their personal record [for heaviest weight]. Hopefully these competitors will inspire more of the spectators to come out and lift.”

Nunez said students looking to participate in next year’s competition should “start up a safe, progressive lifting regimen” and advised those who need help to seek personal training at the ASI Fitness Desk.

The names of all the winners will be posted on the ASI Fitness and Recreation website.

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1 Comment

  1. […] Esquer, membership services employee for the SRWC, said he watched the competition last year. He said there was “a good amount of people there, about 20 guys, and girls, about 10 to […]

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