
CSULB hires 34 tenure-track faculty for 2013-14

Cal State Long Beach has hired 34 tenure-track faculty this year, more than tripling its number of these hires since 2010-11.

“We had a few difficult budget years, but this year’s 34 is a small increase from last year’s 26,” said Interim Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs David Dowell.

Dowell said the typical number of tenure-track faculty hires each year is usually between 25 and 50.

Dowell said the Cal State Long Beach administration’s goal is to have a healthy pool of tenure-track faculty on campus because their full-time commitment adds stability throughout the university. He said that CSULB hopes to hire and increase the number of tenure-track faculty on campus as long as the budget is stable.

According to Dowell, CSULB hired 77 tenure-track faculty in each 2006-07 and 2007-08. The number of hires dropped to 38 in 2008-09, when budget cuts hit the university.

CSULB hired as few as nine tenure-track faculty in 2010-11, according to Dowell.

Dowell said that aside from the budget, there are other factors to consider in determining the number of tenure-track faculty hired each year.

“We also have to consider the demography, how many people retire or leave the department and the number of students who enroll,” Dowell said.

As far as who gets hired, Dowell said CSULB sees a strong pool of candidates for the positions because of the university’s location and reputation but that each candidate must meet a number of requirements.

“They have to fit the need of the institution, be able to connect with our diverse body and bring expertise needed by the department, along with a minimum of seven years of experience, ” Dowell said.

He also said many of CSULB’s lecturers are qualified for tenure-track positions.

Ryan Blair, one of the 34 tenure-track faculty hired this fall, is now an assistant professor in the mathematics and statistics department. He taught at the University of Pennsylvania before coming to CSULB this year.

“I was ecstatic when I got contacted for the offer,” Blair said. “I applied to approximately 100 jobs across the country, and [CSULB] was at the top on my list. [CSULB] has teaching excellence and a diverse student body that I could identify with that really attracted me here.”

Edwin Achola is another of the new hires and an assistant professor in the advanced studies in education and counseling department. He has taught a total of seven years in Kenya, Virginia and Pennsylvania and starts his first year at CSULB this year.

“I am investigating post-secondary education for students with disabilities and ultimately hope to contribute to students here by introducing programs that will help them succeed,” Achola said.

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