
Four suicide reports in four weeks at CSULB

University Police received on Nov. 6 its fourth suicide call in just as many weeks.

University Police Lt. Scott Brown said he has “no idea” why so many attempts have taken place in such a short amount of time.

However, in all four situations, University Police were able to get to the persons before they committed suicide.

Also, each person has received medical attention.

Here’s a breakdown of the suicide reports that University Police have received the past four weeks:

Nov. 6

University Police were called to the Los Cerritos Residence Halls, Room 209 regarding a person struggling with suicidal thoughts, Brown said.

The person was transported to a nearby hospital.

Oct. 22

This suicide scare came shortly after a suicidal student was reported at Brotman Hall, Room 226.

Oct. 18

Another suicide report came in just a few days before when a female at the west turnaround reportedly displayed suicidal behavior.

Oct. 11

Staff members at the Counseling and Psychology Services contacted University Police after they felt they were witnessing a student on the verge of committing suicide

Return to sender

University Police intercepted a suspicious package before it got to its recipient at the dorms Nov. 5, Brown said.

The package contained a strong odor, which alerted police to confiscate it.

However, Brown said no further information can be released to the public as the case is under heavy investigation by University Police.

Popular cars are popular targets

A 1995 green Honda Civic was stolen Nov. 8, Brown said.

The owner returned to Parking Structure 3 where the car was discovered missing.

However, Brown said there is nothing unique about this situation.

It’s “common” for Hondas to get stolen since “they’re popular, and easy to break into,” Brown said.

The case is now under investigation, according to Brown.

Getting a higher education

Marijuana was a constant issue for University Police last week as three isolated incidents of marijuana usage occurred in just a few days.

Surveillance cameras at the Liberal Arts 1 bus stop caught one suspect smoking marijuana out of a marijuana pipe at 1 a.m. on Nov. 9, Brown said.

Police saw the suspect place the pipe into his backpack through the surveillance camera.

Upon arrival, the suspect was judicially and criminally cited for possession of marijuana.

Another incident occurred when police received a call for suspected marijuana usage at the Residential Learning College, Room 280 on Nov. 10, Brown said.

Once police arrived, it was apparent that marijuana had been used by those inside, Brown said. Police judicially cited five students for using marijuana, one of whom was criminally cited for possessing marijuana.

Lastly, four students were judicially cited at the Research Learning Center for marijuana usage Nov. 7, Brown said.

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