
MSA submits boycott call to ASI

Associated Students Inc. listened to the first reading, as well as passionate public comments, of a new resolution regarding the Gaza Strip at Wednesday’s ASI Senate meeting.

The Muslim Student Association (MSA) brought to the senate a resolution calling for an end to the Israeli/Palestinian situation in Gaza. It asks for ASI to boycott goods and services that maintain business with Israel.

Sen. Avis Atkins gave notice to the rest of the senate that the resolution is from a humanitarian point of view, not a political one.

A few senators and members of the MSA proposed voting on a second reading, as well as the first. The senate voted down the proposal and continued with only the first reading of the resolution. Most senators wanted time to acquire more information about what the passing of the resolution will affect before the next reading.

MSA members expressed enthusiasm about the resolution they have been working on for so long.

Members of MSA explained the resolution’s request for a boycott was to get something tangible out of condemning violent acts of aggression against a defenseless population. They have collected more than 300 student signatures and ID numbers in support of their proposal.

“We’re not asking you to decide with a nation versus another nation. We’re asking you to decide with humanity,” said Maral Sabebjame, on behalf of MSA.

The resolution addresses the ties ASI may or may not have with the state of Israel.

“How will a boycott benefit students at Cal State Long beach?” asked Sen. Everett Bryant of the College of Engineering.

Sabebjame informed the senate about a list MSA compiled of six companies that they say have ties with the state of Israel, including Caterpillar, Motorola and General Electric. Caterpillar, for example, supplies Israel with bulldozers that demolish homes of civilians in the West Bank, Sabebjame said.

MSA is continuing research of business done by ASI or CSULB with companies that support Israel.

(Click here to read an update on the MSA’s resolution)

A resolution in support of a central location for the academic advising for the College of Liberal Arts was brought to the floor for a second reading.
Sen. Amanda Thyden introduced a College of Liberal Arts student to the floor to speak about his experience with academic advising in COLA.

James Suazo, a freshman English education major, said he has had a horrible time with academic advising, given that he is working on minors in history, comparative world literature and American Indian studies.

Suazo said, “Going to five places just so I can get answers to simple questions doesn’t seem like ideal to me.”



  1. Both sides are equally arrogant, and believe the other is at fault 100%. They are prejudiced against each other and prefer violence to peace. Would it just be easier if we just take them all and move them to Western Sahara, and make Israel and Palestine a dead-space? I mean, Moses survived in the desert for 40 years, why can’t modern Israelis and Palestinians do the same?

  2. The Palestinians aren’t throwing rocks! They are shooting long range rockets, that’s a big difference.

  3. Are you really trying to compare the Palestinian conditions to a German concentration camp? I can’t believe someone is trying to justify SUICIDE bombings. Sending women and children strapped to bombs to blow up others is kind of sick and twisted, and does remind me a lot of 9-11 and all these other crazy Muslim radical terrorist attacks. Palestinians are also committing war crimes so please don’t think they are so innocent. They are dragging lifeless bodies of kidnapped and tortured Israeli soldiers around their towns, and I’m pretty sure strapping children to bombs is also a crime.

  4. “Palestinians firing rockets into Israel was what caused the Israelis to retaliate.” Is written on the Sat Mar 21 2009 22:03 comment. If one would like to look at why Israel is murdering and dropping phosphorous on humans, then the logically thinking would also ask why the Palestinians have been throwing rocks at Israeli soldiers and scraping together products to hurt the Israeli government. The Palestinians once owned all the land that Israel is sitting on. They- through British mandate, where pushed off their land while Jews from the Holocaust took their place. Would you think that a Jew during the Holocaust was being irrational if they threw rocks at German Nazis or did what they could to win back their freedom?

  5. And i forgot to write that you need to understand that this is a continuous struggle Palestinians have. Palestinians are oppressed every day all day long and it’s becoming a normal lifestyle for them and when the begin to fight back, THAT’s when they begin to call it a war.

  6. Dude, that’s just what you hear from the biased media. You need to dig a lil deeper and find out WHY they have suicide bombings and WHY they fired rockets. And in this past 22 day war, they we NOT the first to fire rockets which was stated on CNN. US has ties with Israel which is why you dont hear the whole truth. I appreciate your input and we want to shed some light on the situation because there’s more than just what is said on the news. Do your own research, it is pretty obvious to me and it should be to you too.

  7. I liked this post, protest your own violence and quit provoking

    The MSA should really find something better to do. Palestinians firing rockets into Israel was what caused the Israelis to retaliate. Before that it was suicide bombings that were penetrating into Israel before that giant wall was put up. What other group uses suicide tactics to harm others? Al-Qaeda! Don’t forget those clips of Palestinians celebrating when 9-11 happened, and I don’t think those Israelis ever attacked the U.S. It’s really sad when a peaceful muslim group such as the MSA gets confused and promotes radical Palestinians led by Hamas. If they want to help out Palestinians they should have those 300 people (probably MSA students) that signed MSA’s proposal, to organize and fund a protest against Hamas in Palestine and to get those peaceful and victimized Palestinians together to show they don’t want any part of the violence.

  8. Although Israel has the third strongest military in the world (aided by U.S. funding and standing as the highest foreign aid recipient,) they have no right to murder over 1,300 human lives, leave thousands wounded, and tens of thousands homeless like Israel did in Gaza starting 12/07/08. The emotional and psychological damage the Israeli government inflicts on the people of Palestine is not reflective of a country that hopes to live peacefully with its neighbors. The U.S. government has a direct hand in aiding the Israeli government through finances. Instead of funding a military that breaks numerous U.N. humanitarian laws CSULB’s MSA is trying to shift financial ties with Israel so that military aggression between the country of Israel and the occupied land of Palestine will be a region that reflects humanity coexisting with one another rather than Israeli occupation murdering and dropping phosphorous on the heads of a living, breathing, human community.

  9. Although Israel has the third strongest military in the world (aided by U.S. funding and standing as the highest foreign aid recipient,) they have no right to murder over 1,300 human lives, leave thousands wounded, and tens of thousands homeless like Israel did in Gaza starting 12/07/08. The emotional and psychological damage the Israeli government inflicts on the people of Palestine is not reflective of a country that hopes to live peacefully with its neighbors. The U.S. government has a direct hand in aiding the Israeli government through finances. Instead of funding a military that breaks numerous U.N. humanitarian laws CSULB’s MSA is trying to shift financial ties with Israel so that military aggression between the country of Israel and the occupied land of Palestine will be a region that reflects humanity coexisting with one another rather than Israeli occupation murdering and dropping phosphorous on the heads of a living, breathing, human community.

  10. they’re first source is Yeah, I’m sure they’re claiming this is a humanitarian issue, not picking sides. ASI represents ALL the students, including those from Israel. I’m sure they want to put in their two cents.

  11. We sound really selfish right now to just think of ourselves and how this is going to benefit students at CSULB. As tax paying citizens, we need to speak up against what goes on in our country and where our money goes. When more money goes to Israel than to all other countries for foreign aid put together. I can’t believe that we support a country that commits as many war crimes as they do and they get away with it every time! But hopefully not this time! We, the US, should be helping people of countries in need like all the African countries!!

    We just need to take it one step at a time by starting at our School Level. Spreading awareness and educating (hmm, I think that’s a word that’s relevant to benefiting csulb students) our student body. After all, we can’t let our independent thinkers get brainwashed into believing lies and false facts like Jerry has been for 40 years (you would think he’d be debating with people his own age, like possibly the panel of speakers that were on campus last Thursday)

  12. talking about getting a life, jerry is class of 77 lol
    he obviously hasn’t grown up yet.

  13. The ASI Senate always plays the safe game. They’re a bunch of wimps; insignificant, ineffective and inconsequential. What a bunch of young tools. Remember that with the upcoming elections. Just like grownup politicians, they wait until the votes are done before they claim which side they were on.

  14. its amazing that asi would consider wasting their time on a resolution that won’t affect students yet sat back and watched during the BLR…typical of the senate. wouldn’t be suprised if it passes

  15. Hey Jerry,
    first off “class of ’77”.. c’mon you really need to check yourself and your facts, Can’t an old geezer like you find the truth and actually research the Occupation and Illegal settlement building and genocide of an indigenous people? I take offense to you and the trash you have spewed. I am an “American ” born of native American blood and proud to be a Muslim. Now you tell me how your hate rhetoric fits? what oil? why should “I” leave CSULB and go to Northridge..and there are many “American ” born 2nd ,3rd generation Muslims here at CSULB as well as White and Mexican Muslims here how does your hate talk fit them? Geronimo rode on the war path against America for many years against an occupation of our country as a freedom fighter , the Palestinians fight for their right to exist as did the Native Americans here. Get you facts straight and find a better way to express yourself, after all you are a graduate of this University, even if you speak like a flunky. Where was Israel in 1946? 1945? Jesus was born in Roman occupied Palestine in Bethlehem. Where is Bethlehem now? Still in Palestine. Research the “Dead sea scrolls” you will find no mention of a country called Israel in them just a country called “Palestine” and the scrolls pre- date the Bible by 1,000 years so you tell me oh hateful one. Remember you scripture “thou shalt not steal”, “thou shalt not kill” and maybe God the Almighty, the Exalted will have Mercy on your soul.

  16. Jerry you are obviously ignorant about the entire situation in Palestine! If you would have attended the panel that was put together by the History Department at CSULB last Wed. maybe you would be a bit more educated on the Gaza/Israeli issue, hence Gaza & Human Rights panel! Jerry unlike you we, students for peace and justice, have collected signatures from our fellow pro human rights pears on campus that show support against the recent massacre that Israel has committed towards the civilian population in Gaza, Palestine. If Israel not Palestine is breaking international law and the Geneva conventions what more evidence do you possible need to prove that ISRAEL has committed war crimes!

  17. Let’s all try to keep this civil

  18. To the ASI, stay out of the moronic pandering from the MSA. The MSA are just a bunch of crybabies. They should be spending their time and efforts making this world better for everyone. I know they wouldn’t get this type of education back home. Instead they just want to boycott because they have nothing else better to do. Stop the saber-rattling and go do your homework. You can also take their money and go to CSUN and leave Long Beach. With all the money the Muslims get from selling their stinking oil, why don’t they use it to educate their people instead of living in complete ignorance? If it wasn’t for the “tolerance” position of the Israelis, they could have bombed the beleaguered Palestinians along time ago.
    The Palestinians people should vote out Hamas and that would eliminate about 90% of their problems. If they did that there would be no reason to hate or fight the Israelis.
    Let’s all just admit it, the Muslims world just “hate” the Israelis. Even if the Israelis lived in Greenland that still wouldn’t be enough.
    Why doesn’t the Muslim terrorist wear uniforms? It would be too easy to pick them off like apples. That’s why the cover their faces and hide among the women and children and because the men are just to “chicken” to fight the honorable way. I’m sorry, what honor?
    I’m writing this response to denounce the nonsensical position of the MSA and I’m not even an Israeli. GET A CLUE AND GET A LIFE!

    Class of ‘77

  19. To the ASI, stay out of the moronic pandering from the MSA. The MSA are just a bunch of crybabies. They should be spending their time and efforts making this world better for everyone. I know they wouldn’t get this type of education back home. Instead they just want to boycott because they have nothing else better to do. Stop the saber-rattling and go do your homework. You can also take their money and go to CSUN and leave Long Beach. With all the money the Muslims get from selling their stinking oil, why don’t they use it to educate their people instead of living in complete ignorance? If it wasn’t for the “tolerance” position of the Israelis, they could have bombed the beleaguered Palestinians along time ago.
    The Palestinians people should vote out Hamas and that would eliminate about 90% of their problems. If they did that there would be no reason to hate or fight the Israelis.
    Let’s all just admit it, the Muslims world just “hate” the Israelis. Even if the Israelis lived in Greenland that still wouldn’t be enough.
    Why doesn’t the Muslim terrorist wear uniforms? It would be too easy to pick them off like apples. That’s why the cover their faces and hide among the women and children and because the men are just to “chicken” to fight the honorable way. I’m sorry, what honor?
    I’m writing this response to denounce the nonsensical position of the MSA and I’m not even an Israeli. GET A CLUE AND GET A LIFE!

    Class of ‘77

  20. please read

    The MSA should really find something better to do. Palestinians firing rockets into Israel was what caused the Israelis to retaliate. Before that it was suicide bombings that were penetrating into Israel before that giant wall was put up. What other group uses suicide tactics to harm others? Al-Qaeda! Don’t forget those clips of Palestinians celebrating when 9-11 happened, and I don’t think those Israelis ever attacked the U.S. It’s really sad when a peaceful muslim group such as the MSA gets confused and promotes radical Palestinians led by Hamas. If they want to help out Palestinians they should have those 300 people (probably MSA students) that signed MSA’s proposal, to organize and fund a protest against Hamas in Palestine and to get those peaceful and victimized Palestinians together to show they don’t want any part of the violence.

  21. In the latest Israeli invasion of Gaza, Palestinian-Israeli casualties were 100-1. There is no parity. Israel is the occupying power and illegally occupies the Palestinian territories. For forty years, Israel has stolen Palestinian land, imprisoned 400,000 Palestinians mostly without charges, closed Palestinian universities, bombed their schools, used phosphorus and cluster bombs against civilians, maintained an apartheid regime. Meanwhile the US government funds Israel to the tune of $3 billion/per year. And we are supposed to remain silent, do nothing?????

  22. I wish everyone could see it; how it was and or how and why it is the way that it is. Instead of claiming occupation all of the time because one is mad about the way it is.

  23. Everyone used to feel sorry for the Palistinians when they could say that they were unarmed but lately? It has been crazy. Something can be worked out and it is possibly easier than one thinks. Figure something out. It requires social change which I have seen alot.

  24. Things get accomplished with responsible, progressive activism and community participation. Who know what the reaction will be if someone does something concerning a problem or a situation. Besides it is hard to put the up the shut around here for some reason.Our focus should be on the environment and not defense. But if you don’t buy it the people responsible for making it get mad! So that’s a pitch for that. One has to keep up with the times to some degree, but it doesn’t mean living like that either. Something has to be done and never underestimate what activism can do.

  25. Seriously?

    I understand the Arab/Israeli Conflict and the escalating international issues, but passing a resolution within ASI is not going to do anything. Honestly, what do you expect ASI and the university to do? The Associated Student Senate cannot order the University to boycott goods and services. Its a nice gesture to the supporters of Palestinians, but what about the supporters of the Israelis. ASI shouldn’t touch this issue. If ASI would like to write a resolution asking for humanitarian support to the Gaza strip, then I recommend writing a resolution asking for ASI and the campus community to do a drive or something that’ll send humanitarian aid to the victims that has been affected by the recent spike of violence in Gaza. Seriously, there are more pertinent and pressing issues within the university that the ASI Senate could be looking into. I understand the urgency of this issue, but it is not in the place of CSULB ASI to take a position in this matter.

  26. “Will the MSA support a similar resolution regarding the Palestinians? After all, if it’s about ‘humanitarian’ issues then surely the MSA will want to express it’s solidarity with the Israelis when their homes are being shelled and bombed by insurgents, causing them to have to rebuild their lives. What do you say MSA?”

    …because the school makes use of anything that comes out of Palestine?

  27. The Palestinians only make Bombs so boycott bombs.

  28. Michael Cohen

    THE MSA wants a boycott of Israel made products?

    All products or just the ones that dont directly affect CSULB Students

    Turn in ALL Computers Running the Windows Platform because this was invented by the Israel Branch of Microsoft. Turn in ALL Computers running the Intel chip as that technology was invented in Israel

    Do NOT use any instant messanger on the computer you have already turned in because it was invited in Israel by 3 tech school drop outs.

    Turn in ALL your cellphones and cellphones were invented in Israel

    Turn in your parents pace makers as those were invented in Israel

    There is a long list and that list should be published and we as a school should vote on it.

    Dont leave out the important stuff

  29. Will the MSA support a similar resolution regarding the Palestinians? After all, if it’s about ‘humanitarian’ issues then surely the MSA will want to express it’s solidarity with the Israelis when their homes are being shelled and bombed by insurgents, causing them to have to rebuild their lives. What do you say MSA?

  30. The MSA is welcome to boycott Israeli goods, but ASI should not take sides in the conflict, and despite the rhetoric that is exactly the request. There is enough inhumane treatment by both parties that perhaps both Israeli and Palestinian goods and services should be boycotted until they finally get along. Then, what’s the next cause du jour for ASI to address?

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