
Brother Jed comes to campus

George "Jed" Smock addresses his audience from the Speaker's Platform.

While some students read profoundly honest messages painted on T-shirts displayed yesterday at the Friendship Walk for the Clothesline Project, others heard an incendiary sermon given a few feet away by a man who calls himself Brother Jed.

From the Speaker’s Platform, Brother Jed promoted Republican presidential nominee Sen. John McCain, implored homosexuals to “repent” and encouraged those who lost their virginity to become born-again Christians.

“We need a military man, not a community organizer,” Brother Jed said. “McCain knows what it is to kill.”

He called capitalism the only moral economic philosophy and that Sen. Barack Obama would only steal money from Americans.

Brother Jed said he perceived “very little fear of God at Long Beach State,” and that many of the female students “just come to school to party, party, party.”

Marina Wood — a member of the Women’s Studies Students Association, senior women’s studies major and one of the organizers of the Clothesline Project — took issue with Brother Jed’s accusatory preaching. Brother Jed’s speech took place just feet away from the project’s tent, where victims of sexual assaults designed T-shirts to display.

“I think this man is extremely disrespectful to women,” Wood said. “We’re trying to take what’s silent and private and put it out in the open and he is trying to keep these things quiet.”

Early in his address, Brother Jed said masturbation leads to homosexuality and broke into a song beginning with the lyrics, “It’s not OK to be gay / It’s not OK to be a homo / You weren’t designed that way.”

When one passer-by shouted “No on [Proposition] 8!” Brother Jed responded, and said, “This guy is voting the homo way. I say ‘No, no, homo.’ “

He called the Democratic Party the “party of the gays” and encouraged the audience to read the Bible.

Brother Jed said this is his 34th year of “open-air preaching” at college campuses across the country.

Jason Aula, a senior business finance major and the president of CSULB’s Conservative Student Union (CSU), invited Brother Jed to campus to speak about “Why liberalism is contrary to God’s will.”

Brett Bensen, a graduate student, said of the speaker, “I think it’s completely ridiculous. We’re supposed to be one of the most diverse campuses in the nation, and here they are spewing this hate. It’s just frustrating.”

 Aula said he was pleased with the event.

“I think the response was good,” Aula said. “It looks like some people will definitely open up the Bible and repent.”

 Brother Jed will make another appearance at the CSU-sponsored Yes on Prop 8 rally in front of the bookstore Oct. 29 at 12:30 p.m.

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  1. I’m a conservative and I disagree with the article title. This was more like an embarrasement to our conservative cause than a victory. Jesus didn’t go street preaching condemning everyone that walks by.

  2. hahaha disregard that

  3. Wow, someone is really obsessed with “the libs”, Jason.

  4. hey bro jed is coming back this semester libs just for your fyi

  5. Hitler was a talented speaker too.

  6. hey, i’m looking for a ride for a lingerie party tonight. I heard Jason Aula was the man to call but he’s not answering his phone….

  7. Too bad I didn’t see Jeff Benson AKA Shooster at the rally, I would have loved to see if he would address the threats and harassment people have received from members of the Conservative Student Union.

  8. Jason is pathetic.

  9. HAHAHAHAHA! All I have to say is:
    “This Wednesday, he is planning to have a crowd of over 100 protestor to protest for prop 8. This will be bigger than any other La Raza rally. No Se Puede “

    Yeah that totally happened. All six of you!

    Si se puede!

  10. Nah, Jason. I stay away from fast food.

  11. So Seth, please share your experiences of you licking Guido’s and Mike K.’s balls? Caitlyn from ASI told me she saw you 3 off campus at the Carl Jr. on Ximeno and Atherton. WTF

  12. omg, wtf, lol jason. sue whoever you want! j00 so crazy! ^^ kthnxbai!

  13. Jason Aula is a pest. His intolerance is only superseded by his idiocy, which is remarkable considering the severity of what may be a mental illness he suffers from.

    Please ignore his hateful grabs for attention. That’s all they are, immature pouting by an attention starved baby.

  14. I just want all of you to know that I do not post these “shooster” messages and I will sue anyone that does not agree with me.

  15. Hey Seth/salad tosser, I still haven’t forgotten about my plans to destroy the forum on the myspace board after election day with SARAH PALIN VICTORY POSTS!!! See ya at the finish line

  16. Obviously Seth checks this website every 2 hours. PROOF again that he has no life and lives on the internet. In between those two hours, are you tossing Mike K’s salad while you’re waiting for my reply? Or is it Goido’s?

  17. There you go again… I wonder if you’ll be banned from this website as well.

  18. There you go again… I wonder if you’ll be banned from this website as well.

  19. Hey Aaron, Goido told me that Seth tossed his salad. Look at his my space picture. It’s evidentally true.

  20. Seth is known for being on the internet all night and having gay jack off parties in the dorms. Believe me I know he was my suitemate…..this guy smells a little bit too it is very fortunate you cannot smell him over the web.

  21. Hey “Your Name”, you keep attacking me by claiming I am a homo. I think you should be the first person to be questioned as a homo. You’re the one defending your butt buddy Seth and his butt buddy Guido. How much money did they pay you and what kind of favors did you have to do in order to say good things about them? So maybe the fact that Seth has been single for at least 2 years might explain that he is covering up his homosexuality with you. No se puede

  22. Found some news about old Jed you need to see! Don’t miss this chance of a lifetime. You’ll love it ! Yikes.

    contact Stan:

  23. Just wonderful…. now I’m being stalked once again by Jason and his partner-in-crime Shooster.

  24. Hey Jason. Why don’t you tell us what it was like being in the military, since you know, you said used to be in the army.

  25. Woooo, imagine a college student posting that he’s single on his Myspace. That has to be extremely rare. It’s a definite sign of a misfit. That must mean that CSULB has around 35,000 other misfits and the millions of college students across the U.S. are married. After Shooster’s enlightening argument about Seth, he breaks into an obsessive tirade against Noelle (he must have the hots for her if he’s watching her every mood at a party), and calls Guido a “homo loser.” Shooster must be one of CSULB’s intellectual giants. I can picture him in a dark room with a few other fascists, hailing Adolf the great. You are delusional, whichever name you use, Shooster. It’s easy to see why you don’t use your real name, you inferior little gnome.

  26. It really shows what a fun guy Jason Shooster Aula is to have at a party. Rather than having a good time, he’s spying and stalking, looking for Internet ammo to use in his hate-filled environment. This is not somebody worthy of trust. He spends at least 15 hours a day trolling MySpace for CSULB students he recognizes. He’s merely a sneaky little crud living in a dark little world. Get a life, Jason.

  27. Jason “Shooster” Aula only pretends to be a homophobe to throw those other mental midgets off his trail. Without the other nine CSU membership to help him hate, he is all alone. His gayness only surfaced when Noelle rejected him. The same is true for his anti-Mexican sentiment. He tried to hit on a La Raza girl on MySpace by inviting her to his party after insulting her. Now Jason, errr Shooster, is stalking Seth because he refused Jason’s sexual advances. And he really thinks Guido is dreamy, but is pissed because Guido is heterosexual. Poor lost conservative Jason Shooster. So alone; so all alone.

  28. Jason Shooster will vote No on Prop 8, for sure. He just wants everybody to think he’s a conservative. Go back to stalking Seth on his MySpace. We all know you have the hots for him. Come on, admit it. Cleanse your soul and move on. There are plenty of other men in the world. Don’t fixate on just one because you feel rejected.

  29. You seem obsessed with Seth, Shooster/Jason. Is that a gay thing you’re hiding in your mental closet? I’m sure it’s something Brother Jed can cure you of.

  30. If you look at Seth’s myspace page, you’ll find out that it says he’s single. I’ve looked at his page from time to time for the past 2 years and it has always said he is single. He can’t find a g/f because he’s online 15 hours a week. He’s the loser moderator for csulb without pay. You can’t become a bigger loser more than that. Noelle has obviously been brainwashed from the kook left liberals. She tries to hide the fact that she cheated on her husband at a party. I witnessed it. She’s obviously upset that I called her a communist because she knows it’s true. Guido is also a homo loser.

  31. The front page of this story shows 61 comments, but only 42 appear. Nice censoring, Daily 49ers.

  32. Did you not read my previous statement “voice of reason” , La Raza is the Clan with a tan……..La Raza acts and is structured just as the KKK was in the 1930’s.

    The fact is, you are unhappy with me because I opposed – and continue to oppose – illegal immigration. You are playing the race card and trying to delude and mislead others, which is unfortunate. But I don’t think you are having much success with it.

    My record is long and clear. It is one of opposition to ongoing massive illegal immigration. It is not about race; it is about the rule of law, and ignoring enforcement of that law.

  33. I hope that Jason Aula and “Brother” Jed are not contagious. By their reasoning, a women or child who is sexually assaulted brought it on themselves. This is the type of plea often used in courts of law; the defendant wasn’t solely responsible because the woman was wearing sexy clothes, in essence, “asking for it.”

    “We need a military man…?” “McCain knows what it is to kill?” Democratic “party of gays?” “No, no homo?” You guys definitely display “good, Christian values.” If these are the messages you got out of Jesus Christ’s teachings, maybe you need to actually open up a Bible instead of just thumping on the cover.

  34. These hateful creeps are totally disgusting. Anybody who could be so disrespectful towards victims and survivors of sexual assault has no self respect. It seems that their answer to saving the world is to hate everybody who disagrees with their agenda. It seems like another way to promote patriarchy and dominance.

  35. The daily 49er is practicing censorship by not posting my last commentary and reasoning. That’s tragic. Nice First Amendment practice, 49er editors. But of course, you won’t post this either to let the public know you are being selective. That’s not editing, it’s censoring.

  36. La Raza students are all legal American citizens, Jason, but you continuously attack them. What’s your next lie about “illegal immigration” being your platform. Your mission is one about race, not the rule of law.

  37. The fact is, you are unhappy with me because I opposed – and continue to oppose – illegal immigration. You are playing the race card and trying to delude and mislead others, which is unfortunate. But I don’t think you are having much success with it.

    My record is long and clear. It is one of opposition to ongoing massive illegal immigration. It is not about race; it is about the rule of law, and ignoring enforcement of that law.

  38. In due time the leftist monopoly on campus will crumble due to my groups persistent and diligent per suet of the leftist agenda. This is going to be a long year if I have anything to say about it……..

  39. Why is it that every sock puppet seems to have a problem with basic spelling? There is no way that every log cabin republican has a personality disorder and nasty drug habit.

  40. Shooster
    Sun Oct 26 2008 02:03

    “Jameson you sound really arrogant.”

    Shooster, I may be an arrogant person, but that is beside the point in this discussion. An ad homenum isn’t quite necessary in what should be a mature argument. What would be more appropriate is to undermine what I have said in a logical format, rather than attacking my persona. By providing a suggestion of what to do in a biting manner, I do not perceive that I have acted arrogantly, for I am not assuming that what I say is the most correct thing. What I say should be an invitation for discourse, rather than a guarded response.

    “There is nothing you can do to silence Jason Aula.”

    Honestly, I do not understand how I am silencing Jason merely by disagreeing with his tactics. I have no power to force anyone to do anything. I am not silencing Jason’s freedom of speech, but merely disagreeing with what he has said through his right to express his thoughts. This is a perfectly normal operation of political discourse, so the assertion that I am somehow silencing him is moot.

    I suppose what you are confused about is that we have rights as American to express whatever opinions we have. However, our fellow citizens also have a right to disagree with this speech and deem it “unpopular speech.” The action of deeming something unpopular does not remove one’s ability to say it. It instead notifies people within the discourse that there is a disagreement between the two opposing sides of the argument. So, if I and other students disagree with Jason tactics in a large way, this is not us silencing them. Rather, we are showing him that his beliefs are unpopular. This however, prevents him in no way from continually expressing them. As we are at a public institution, we have no right to limit his speech physically. The most we can do is admonish it.

    “The fact that you’re trying to silence some of his tactics just proves that you are no different than Hugo Chavez who is trying to silence his media critics.”

    Ah yes, due to the contrived assumption that I am somehow trying to silence Jason, I am the same as well-known dictator. I assume this is of course because I have control of the campus media, and any local newspaper which might pop their head in. Correct? Honestly, comparing the opposing side in a discourse to a dictator (the most common being Hitler), is a poor way to prove one’s point. In fact, you haven’t even substantiated that I am “silencing” Jason, so this assertion that I am some how similar to a Latin-American dictator falls relatively flat.

    “You think he wont ever attract a big crowd becasue they’re scared of him? Think again.”

    Frankly, I do not care how large of a crowd you attract, because this is not something which really matters. What does matter is the substance contributed by each side in the political discourse. As you may have garnered from the other student’s opinions, most do not consider “Jed” to be a very substantive source. Any crowd he attracts will likely be gawkers, and those whom disagree with him. If you will remember the group of protesters which visit our campus every semester, their supporters are few and far between.

    “This Wednesday, he is planning to have a crowd of over 100 protestor to protest for prop 8. This will be bigger than any other La Raza rally. No Se Puede.”

    I wasn’t aware that La Raza and the CSU were in competition for rally attendance. I suppose this may be some self constructed battle within Jason’s mind, for he seems to have a personal vendetta against La Raza, and every other Latino/Chicano organization in existence.

  41. Why is it that every sock puppet seems to have a problem with basic spelling? There is no way that every log cabin republican has a personality disorder and nasty drug habit.

  42. Why is it that every sock puppet seems to have a problem with basic spelling? There is no way that every log cabin republican has a personality disorder and nasty drug habit.

  43. The Communist VP Chavez will piss in his pants when he sees the size of our crowd

  44. Jameson you sound really arrogant. There is nothing you can do to silence Jason Aula. The fact that you’re trying to silence some of his tactics just proves that you are no different than Hugo Chavez who is trying to silence his media critics. You think he wont ever attract a big crowd becasue they’re scared of him? Think again. This Wednesday, he is planning to have a crowd of over 100 protestor to protest for prop 8. This will be bigger than any other La Raza rally. No Se Puede

  45. conservoter
    Thu Oct 23 2008 04:44
    “Jameson” minus “me” equals “Jason” What a troll. It’s nice to at least see the daily niner falls for your dumb crap all of the time, Aula. It shows they are more ignorant than you, which is difficult to perceive. Aula still gives conservatives a bad name.

    Wow, you thought I was Jason? I suppose my name is close enough to be considered one of his sockpuppets. Regardless, I agree with you that Aula gives conservatives on campus a bad name.

    Jason Aula
    Thu Oct 23 2008 12:46
    Jameson I was right then, I’m right now. I think time has proven me right.

    Jason, I do not see your logic in this, though it may make sense to you. You seem to be convinced that you are right in everything you do, and do not seem to appreciate that most conservative students on campus are troubled by how you choose to represent the conservative cause.

    I’ve spoken with you before, and implored you to choose better methods of activism. Surely you must realize that there are much more effective ways to campaign for you agenda than bringing on campus someone whom could be compared to Fred Phelps? As long as you continue to do such things, it is unlikely that you will attract a large number or supporters for your cause, save those whom already hold the same political/religious mores. You may think you are right, and may even be right—however, as long as you play politics the way you do, people will continue to marginalize you as a fringe conservative. That being, a conservative whom who equates to their fringe counterparts on the left. The perceived “silent conservatives” on campus are likely scared to affiliate with you, not wishing to risk marginalization. You made a good effort with the tuition relief campaign, but it seems you’ve gone back to your old ways.

    This is my advice, take it as you will. However, I believe that if you continue as you do, your legacy at CSULB will be just as sour as ever. I almost wonder now, if the reason you do what you do is just to have your name printed on the 49er, for you have surely accomplished nothing more than that.

    I suppose I should add my last name now, right conservoter?

  46. Jason, remember what happened with the CSU during “Catch a Mexican” day? You know, when you lost the dodgeball match?

    I just want to know if you repented for that one.

  47. To Liberals and Seth,
    Deuteronomy 7:1-2 When the Lord your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations . . . then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy.

  48. “Rick”: Leviticus also says you can’t eat shellfish or wear clothing made of two or more materials. If one follows the Bible to its literal interpretation, that means our own military (God bless them) and probably our whole country would be condemned to Hell. Besides, a holy book is supposed to be “perfect”, yet the human interpretation never is.

  49. Jed Smock deliberately says revolting things to draw attention to his ranting. Ignore the guy. He manipulates.

  50. Brother Jed said. “McCain knows what it is to kill.”

    What a sick thing to say that next to the Clothesline Project display. I’m convinced that Jason planned to have “Brother Jed” to speak next to this display so he can get a rise out of people. This was very deranged, and the reason why I and millions of others left the Republican Party.

  51. Noelle, Leviticus 20:13 If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death.

  52. Brother Jed said. “McCain knows what it is to kill.”

    What a sick thing to say that next to the Clothesline Project display. I’m convinced that Jason planned to have “Brother Jed” to speak next to this display so he can get a rise out of people. This was very deranged, and the reason why I and millions of others left the Republican Party.

  53. Shooster obviously you don’t get it. It has nothing to do with being communist liberals as you put it. There’s a HUGE difference between freedom of speech and spewing hate. When people are using their freedom of speech to talk about abortion are they personally hurling insults at people who don’t agree with them? No they aren’t. Had this guy been using his freedom of speech to preach his view I wouldn’t have cared… sure I don’t agree with it but it’s his opinion. He chose to personally insult homosexuals and females that attend the university which is really offensive. I’m a female and I worked my butt off to get here and I continue to work my butt off and I sure as heck don’t need some guy trying to shoot down what I’m doing or what anyone else is doing for that matter.

    I’m sorry you can’t see the difference between a respectful rally and what this thing turned into.

    Oh and by the way if you really don’t like what us “communist liberals” (which are two different things to begin with), have to say, then don’t read it because just like you we are entitled to our opinions. I refuse to be respectful about someone who has disrespected me.

  54. *Sigh* and Jason’s sockpuppets finally appear. Ladies and gentleman, this is why CSULB is liberal and does not tolerate the hate, ignorance, racism and other forms of bigotry from people like Jason.

  55. I find it fascinating that all of you communist liberals are trying to silence people who are spreading the conservative message. In the liberals minds, when they protest it’s freedom of speech. But when conservatives protest, they protest in a mean way. You liberals need to shut up, grow up and move on. If you don’t like it, don’t listen to it. How do you think us conservatives feel when you guys try to spread your hate on campus about the war and abortion? Abortion is 10 times more evil than what this man is saying. Any woman getting an abortion deserves the death penalty for killing that innocent unborn baby.

  56. I’m appauled that the school personnel thought something of this nature would be appropriate for the campus. Mind you I’m all for freedom of speech, but when you’re spewing insults and hatred it crosses a line… apparently not only homosexuals have a problem, but also the female student body????? Also Jason who are you to tell anyone on this campus what they need to do???? How about you worry about yourself and let everyone else worry about themselves! The students at this school pay to get an education, not to have insults hurled at them like this man did.

    I was raised Christian and was never taught to be such a hatemonger…. my how Christianity has changed!

    And even in poorer taste to have this horrible man preaching hate next to the Clothesline project… sounds like us sinners on campus won’t be the only ones going to Hell…. lmao

  57. Jed Smock is one of the greatest speakers and preachers of our generation. I suggest that you all sit quietly and listen to him. He is a wise and godly man and he brings the message of God’s word.

  58. HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT GOD’S WILL IS? HOW CAN YOU SO FIRMLY TRUST AND PUT ALL LIFE DECISIONS ON A BOOK WRITTEN CENTURIES AND CENTURIES AGO THAT PROMOTES EVERYTHING FROM POLYGAMY TO BROTHER AND SISTER INCESTUAL RELATIONS. The bible is great but it is not god. The day you realize that, Jason, is the day people will actually start liking you. God and Jesus promote love, peace and loving and accepting everyone NO MATTER WHAT! Jesus would be ashamed that you so frequently use his name to promote your hate mongering ways.
    Jason, LOVE not HATE

  59. HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT GOD’S WILL IS? HOW CAN YOU SO FIRMLY TRUST AND PUT ALL LIFE DECISIONS ON A BOOK WRITTEN CENTURIES AND CENTURIES AGO THAT PROMOTES EVERYTHING FROM POLYGAMY TO BROTHER AND SISTER INCESTUAL RELATIONS. The bible is great but it is not god. The day you realize that, Jason, is the day people will actually start liking you. God and Jesus promote love, peace and loving and accepting everyone NO MATTER WHAT! Jesus would be ashamed that you so frequently use his name to promote your hate mongering ways.
    Jason, LOVE not HATE

  60. Someone call Jason a Waaahh-mbulance!

  61. It is quite unfortunate to read so many negative responses about this event and myself however, a strong conservative movement needs to take place in order to restablish God’s will on this campus. Brother Jed’s purpose for speaking on campus was to get students who do not read the Bible to open it and read and yes REPENT because everyone sins one way or the other….

  62. I believe with all my heart we are living in the last days. When you stand alone on judgement day to be judged you won’t have anyone to blame for your final destination but yourself. Thats that, no if, ands or buts about it. I pray God deals with everyones heard individually, i pray all be saved and no one goes to hell.

  63. Jason, seriously, you need to come out of the closet. Your self-hate and denial are making everybody’s lives very miserable. You need to repent for your ways, but this time not to God, but to the people you are hurting.

  64. Jason Aula wants those who do not agree with him to open the Bible and repent. OK, how about this:
    “Do not judge or you too will be judged.For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged,
    and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” — Matthew 7.
    I think Mr. Aula has some repentin’ to do.

  65. I think it’s sad the Clothesline Project — a project that is designed to bring awareness to violence against women — was overshadowed by this hate monger. He does have a right to express his opinion, I agree. These women, however, have the right to a lot more respect than what was given. I’m glad he came though so we can see up close the “fringe” sect of McCain-Palin supporters. When you see it over and over and over on TV, it doesn’t completely capture the crazy.

  66. From Jim Gilchrist to trolling the domestic violence t-shirt display with a crazy preacher…. oh how the not-so-mighty have fallen. And I’m glad to see that Shooster is still around.

  67. From Jim Gilchrist to trolling the domestic violence t-shirt display with a crazy preacher…. oh how the not-so-mighty have fallen. And I’m glad to see that Shooster is still around.

  68. Jameson I was right then, I’m right now. I think time has proven me right.

  69. Jameson I was right then, I’m right now. I think time has proven me right.

  70. It was a victory today for conservatives at CSULB. The silent conservatives have said that at least for today, it is okay to express your beliefs on campus. I’ll see you guys at the Yes on Prop 8 rally next week

  71. Although one may disagree with his position and his methods, he does have freedom of speech and should be allowed to express his opinion. This same freedom of speech protects those espousing liberal views that are offensive to conservatives and vice versa. It’s all part of the diversity that makes up this campus.

  72. “Jameson” minus “me” equals “Jason” What a troll. It’s nice to at least see the daily niner falls for your dumb crap all of the time, Aula. It shows they are more ignorant than you, which is difficult to perceive. Aula still gives conservatives a bad name.

  73. “I think the response was good,” Aula said. “It looks like some people will definitely open up the Bible and repent.”

    -Of course YOU would think that, Jason.

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