Arts & LifeMusic

Run The Jewels: Re-Meowed

"Meow the Jewels"

Cats rule the Internet, but are they taking over the music industry too?

In Sept. 2014 rap duo Run The Jewels, which features Killer Mike and El-P, launched a Kickstarter campaign to remix “Run The Jewels 2” with all cat sounds.

Yes, cat sounds. Beats on the tracks are expected to be composed of purrs sounds, sonic meows and of course grumpy growls.

Leave it to the cat-loving Internet to overfund the project with $65,783 raised, and 2,823 backers to bring the project to life.

Last week a track from Run The Jewels long awaited “Meow the Jewels” finally dropped.

“Early” originally featured on “Run The Jewels 2,” has been remixed as “Meowrly” for the upcoming album “Meow The Jewels.”

The song is a feline-induced trip of sonic ecstasy – no catnip required.

There is no solid release date for the upcoming album, but the fact that a track has been released means that at least the duo is actually working on the album.

This also means there are many more cat puns to be discovered in the future; one can only imagine how other tracks names will be changed to fit the kitty theme.

Here’s to hoping track titles for “Meow The Jewels” will include “Lay, Eat, Chill” and “Oh My Kitty Don’t Purr.”

The pussy sounds on “Meowrly” are popping, but there are still some issues with how track’s were purr-duced.

According to “Meow The Jewels” Kickstarter website, if $40,000 were raised Killer Mike and El-P, would remix “Run The Jewels 2” with “all cat sounds” for the music.

But if this track exemplifies the rest of the album, fans who donated money might not be getting what they a paid for.

The duo’s Kickstarter promised the tracks would be “all cat sounds.”

Sounds of whining and roaring cats start the song off strong, but then Killer Mike takes the mike. But hey Killer Mike, you’re not a cat. So what’s the deal?

If this track is any indication of the album to come, we shouldn’t expect full-length cat cover songs or a-cat-pella versions of “Run The Jewels 2,” but rather a record by Run the Jewels featuring cats.

A rap or hip-hop album with cat sounds should mean the kittens should be the stars of the music.

If you are going to be daring enough to remix your music with and album artwork with hardcore kitten claws in the name of cats then even the lyrics should reflect this vision.

Of course it’s hard to judge what this project will mean for the state of music until the full album is released. It’s definitely more exciting than anything you’ll ever hear on the radio that is for sure.

So maybe cats aren’t taking over the music industry and will only remain in our Internet hearts as memes, YouTube videos and Buzzfeed stories like “A Brief History Of Alcohol As Explain By Cats” (an actual story by the way).

There is no denying that cats are still awesome even if the music industry might not be the kingdom they rule.

Despite this it’s honestly refreshing to hear cat sounds wail throughout the song as brutal lyrics blare– nothing short of purrfect.

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