Arts & Life

The Maine’s ‘Black and White’ needs new colors

The Maine perform at Warped Tour in Carson on August 23, 2009.

After their release of “Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop” in 2008, The Maine stole the hearts of girls around the world. With their sophomore release, “Black and White,” which came out on July 13, the band is sure to steal many more.

“Black and White” stays strong to the band’s poppy guitar riffs and lovesick lyrics. Although the CD is enjoyable to listen to, it sounds too much like “Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop.” Unlike similar bands such as All Time Low and Boys Like Girls, who change their sounds a little with each new CD, The Maine has shown little musical growth in their latest release.

Opening with the song “Don’t Stop Now,” the CD sets the perfect tone for a summer drive down Pacific Coast Highway with the top down and a group of good friends.

Accompanied by an acoustic guitar and piano, “Growing Up” offers a melodic introduction that quickly turns uplifting and upbeat. The song is sure to become an anthem for the band’s fans, who are usually teenage girls. Just as “Girls Do What They Want” was the anthem for fans from “Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop,” “Growing Up” will act in the same way for “Black and White.” It can be predicted that “Growing up won’t bring us down” will be chanted throughout the audience at future Maine shows.

“Fuel to the Fire” opens with a Weezer-like guitar riff and has a catchy chorus, similar to “Everything I Ask For” from “Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop.” Judging from its pop sound and sing-along style, the song has potential to be the next album single.

“Inside of You,” the album’s first single, is energetic and is difficult to not nod your head or even tap your toes to.

“Listen to Your Heart” is the perfect love song in an “us against the world” kind of way. One can be immediately turned off just by the song’s title since it is overly cliché and cheesy, but it is definitely one of the better songs on the album and is worth listening to.
Despite a lack of musical growth, the album as a whole is still pleasing for fans of the band and has some promising songs filled with positive messages.

For upcoming tour dates and more information about The Maine, visit their website at

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