
‘Dead week’ proposed by ASI Senate

The Associated Students Inc. senators debated the idea of a “dead week” during the ASI Senate meeting Wednesday. But don’t be fooled by the word “dead,”because all classes throughout the week would remain in session.

The proposed dead week would be an extra study time before finals week, where faculty can use the week for pre-finals review and not give new lectures or assign tests, quizzes or papers. The dead week, however, would still be subject to the policy on academic freedom.

Sen. George Del Hierro, among others, claimed that he initially thought a dead week meant “no classes and no professors.”

“No graded assignments would be due during the dead week,” Vice President Hironao Okahana said. He added that the professors can choose to use the proposed week however they see fit, whether for review, group presentations or study groups.

Okahana also explained to the Senate that “this proposal will not extend the semester, it will remain the same weekly schedule.” This means that Cal State Long Beach could possibly supplement one of the last weeks of school as “dead week,” rather than adding an extra week to the semester to compensate.

Sen. Tasharie Ameral said she thinks the idea “is great. I’m totally in support of it.”

Journalism professor Chris Burnett also said that the faculty is in agreement with the proposed week and likes the idea of it.

“A school is ultimately judged by the success of the students,” Sen. Chris Chavez said. “So we want to give the students the most amount of opportunity for success.”

Faculty member Jeane Caveness said that while she was in college, a dead week was enforced and she said she thought it was a good idea.

The Senate reviewed what other college campuses implemented for their “dead weeks.” Some campuses remained completely in session, and tests and quizzes were banned from being administered. Other campuses enforced a dead week that also banned tests and quizzes, yet still allowed assignments to be due.

There are many different ways to structure dead week, Okahana said.

The senators also pointed out that the proposition states that professors may only give out final examinations on the proposed week of finals, rather than the week or two before finals week.

Sen. Erin Swetland said she was concerned with the way dead week could be enforced.

Okahana clarified her question by saying that it is “virtually impossible to enforce.”

Burnett finished the discussion by adding that “if you see a professor violating the policy, you can go to your department chair.”

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