Out of the multitude of possible editorials we had to choose from today, we narrowed our options down to two topics; either write about divisiveness or unity. Both aspects will be covered during events on Monday.
One event will be held by separatists that have visited the campus before. They typically preach bigoted dogma in an attempt to generate racism. They are notorious for being clandestine copy/paste artists who attempt to use the media to promote their agenda.
In fact, we’ve chosen not to even waste ink by mentioning the name of the group on our page. Besides, we’ve already given too much attention to the inconsequential group in earlier editorials. Suffice it to say, they’ve been listed by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a bona fide hate group.
The other event — the worthwhile one — concerns everybody in our Cal State Long Beach community. Rather than our typical rakish assault on Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, the California Legislature and California State University Chancellor Charles Reed about the budget cuts to higher education, we’re taking a different tack.
We’re running an unedited e-mail that was sent to our CSULB cyber world from Associated Students, Inc President Erin Swetland and Vice President Christopher Chavez.
We’ll let them speak directly because it’s also Our View that it’s time our community stand up and be counted against this assault on education, not only for current students, but for every child who hopes to get an affordable college degree in the future.
Hear their plea:
“If there is any time we needed to have your help, it’s now. Our university system is under the threat of massive budget cuts that will threaten the opportunities for thousands of students like yourself.”
The government of California has gone back on its commitment that the State Legislature made to allow all students who have “the capacity and motivation to benefit from higher education” an opportunity to pursue a college degree. Over 10,000 students who want to attend a California State University will be denied in the 2009-2010 academic year.”
Taking into account the fact that each dollar invested in the CSU generates $4.41 into the California economy, the long-term economic impact of these cuts will be felt for decades to come.”
And yet in spite of these challenges, faculty, administration, staff and most importantly, students like you, have fought to keep your education at Cal State Long Beach to be one of the most cost–effective, highly-valued educations in the United States.”
The Alliance for the CSU is mobilizing to help make it clear to Sacramento that cutting the CSU budget is not the answer to our economic crisis. Join us on December 8th from noon – 1 p.m. at the Speakers Platform in front of the Bookstore (or the USU Ballroom in case of rain) to send a clear message to Sacramento that the CSU is the solution and that the politicians need to vote to fund our future.”
Then, tell everyone you know to write to their State Assemblymembers and demand that the students of California not be on the chopping block.”
Students like yourself are the future of California. Isn’t it time that the leaders in Sacramento start treating you as such? Join us and make a difference in this fight! Thank you for your time.”
I graduated from CSULB six years ago with great prospects, but I chose to follow a path that lead me to a career I love, but doesn’t necessarily pay all that well. It’s ignorant, misinformed and downright elitist to tell these students to “Pay their dues.” We all have to pay our dues, but we as productive, taxpaying citizens draw the line at paying more for less, and that’s exactly what the budget cuts are proposing to do.
Who cares? Pay your dues like the rest of us and enjoy the high wages you’ll earn after you graduate.