
Long Beach State ASI finalize resolution to oppose tuition increase

08/30/2023 - Long Beach, Calif: A unanimous vote finalized the resolution to oppose the CSU multi-year tuition increase at the ASI meeting on Wednesday. Photo credit: Linsey Towles

CSULB’s Associated Student Inc. unanimously finalized a resolution on Wednesday to oppose the potential CSU multi-year tuition increase.

In June 2023, the California State University (CSU) institution published a proposal that detailed the plan for a multi-year tuition increase in which tuition for all 23 campuses would increase by 6% every year.

“If approved, the increase would take effect in the 2024-25 academic year, starting with the Fall 2024 term,” according to the CSU information page.

According to the chart provided by CSU, tuition would increase to $6,084 for the 2024-25 school year. Currently, the tuition for 2023-24 school year is $5,742. If the proposal continues, in 2028-29 school year, tuition is projected to be $7,682.

“Once I heard about the situation and once you do more research on it, it just gets worse and worse,” said ASI Vice President Teresa Falcon.

“Forty percent of students aren’t covered by financial aid. I’m scared for them and I’m scared for myself.”

The announcement of this proposal set off heated opposition from ASI representatives from all 23 campuses in the CSU system. A protest was held Wednesday on campus at Central Quad as a response to the tuition increase.

“These next few weeks are going to be crucial,” Anthony Regina, ASI Chief Government Relations Officer, said.

ASI Chief Government Relations Officer Anthony Regina speaks to the ASI Senate board about steps for students to take to oppose the tuition increase.

08/30/2023 - Long Beach, Calif: ASI Chief Government Relations Officer Anthony Regina speaks to the ASI Senate board about steps for students to take to oppose the tuition increase. Photo credit: Linsey Towles

Regina spoke at Wednesday’s meeting and detailed ASI’s opposition plans. She added that the ASI is coordinating for a presence at the CSU Trustee meeting on Sept. 12 and 13 in Long Beach.

“We have like no time for this,” Falcon said.

“We’re hoping to go to the CSU Trustee meetings and make public comments against it. They need to see that we stand together.”

The resolution to officiate ASI’s stance on the tuition increase was finalized in an unanimous vote, 17-0. The motion was made by Senator Saniya Debose and seconded by member Payton Belle.

“While this resolution is being passed, I’m really glad this is something being put in motion,” Debose said.

The ASI votes to finalize the resolution, motioned by Saniya Debose and seconded by Payton Belle on Wednesday.

08/30/2023 - Long Beach, Calif: The ASI votes to finalize the resolution, motioned by Saniya Debose and seconded by Payton Belle on Wednesday. Photo credit: Linsey Towles

“This is something that’s especially bigger than just our campus. Whatever it is we can do as student government we should absolutely take those steps as a team.”

ASI is providing information on the multi-year tuition increase on Google Drive, which is available to the public. To view the ASI agendas, visit their website.

Linsey Towles
Linsey Towles is a senior at California State Long Beach, majoring in journalism. Linsey transferred to CSULB as a junior after attending community college in her hometown of Santa Clarita. Beginning as a news assistant, Linsey is the managing editor of the Long Beach Current this year. After graduation she hopes to continue working in journalism as a breaking news reporter.

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