
CDC loosens mask restrictions for fully vaccinated Americans

The CDC has updated its mask mandate to allow fully vaccinated individuals to engage in some outdoor activities without a mask. Credit:

Californians can take a sigh of relief now that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has loosened its mask mandates for people who have been fully vaccinated.

According to the new CDC guidelines released April 27, fully vaccinated Americans do not have to wear face masks outdoors anymore unless they are in a large crowd of people. For those who are unvaccinated, they can still go outside without masks in some cases as well.

The CDC released an updated mask advisory for indoor and outdoor activities following the announcement.

The CDC has updated its mask mandate to allow fully vaccinated individuals to engage in some outdoor activities without a mask. Credit: CDC

The CDC has updated its mask mandate to allow fully vaccinated individuals to engage in some outdoor activities without a mask. Credit:

Those who are fully vaccinated are able to walk, run or bike outdoors with members of their household and can attend small gatherings with fully vaccinated family and friends. Vaccinated individuals can also attend small, outdoor gatherings with both vaccinated and unvaccinated people, and they dine outdoors with friends from multiple households — all without the requirement of a mask.

However, there is one case where the CDC wants even vaccinated people to mask up. If attending a crowded, outdoor event, like a live performance, parade or sports event, it is suggested to wear a mask.

Gov. Gavin Newson said in a press release that the state plans to comply with the CDC’s new “common-sense” mandates.

“With science and data as our guide, we are moving to align California’s guidance with these common-sense updates,” Newsom said.

He maintained that “the threat of variants remains” even though more than half of California residents 16 and older have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

“We need to remain vigilant and continue public health prevention measures – like wearing masks when appropriate and getting vaccinated – but the light at the end of this tunnel has never been brighter,” Newsom said.

While most of the state remains in the orange tier under the Blueprint for a Safer Economy, seven counties, including Los Angeles County, have progressed into the least restrictive level: the yellow tier. Indicating minimal risk, the yellow tier allows for most businesses to reopen under modifications and increased capacities.

More information on tier restrictions is available at

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