
LBSU officials address more Beachboard issues

Beachboard experienced issues concerning spoofed emails and invalid files this past week 8/31.

The first week at Long Beach State saw an array of Beachboard malfunctions and crashes, but the university’s technology officials seemed to have finally found a solution to the problems.

According to Shawna Dark, associate vice president of Academic Technology, the deleted Beachboard content was caused by user errors during uploads.

The primary error users faced when uploading files was including special characters, such as accented letters and asterisks, in the attempted post.

Information technology Services also fixed an issue concerning faculty emails being sent to students’ spam folders.

“The root cause of the problem was that the anti-spam filter of our email system (Microsoft Office 365 cloud mail) thinks that the email from our learning management system (Beachboard) is spoofing email,” said Min Yao, the university’s chief information officer, in an emailed statement.

Yao explained that email address inconsistencies occured when faculty used Beachboard to correspond with students. A sender’s address was not the same as the reply-to email address, which caused the Office 365 email scan tool to treat Beachboard emails as spoofed, or fake.

The issue was not related to the Beachboard outages Monday.

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