Cedars-Sinai Medical Group hosted its first blood drive of the year in the University Student Union Ballroom on Tuesday, and it will continue on Wednesday.
The blood drive collects on average 300 pints of blood within the two-day period at each drive, said Cheryl Berlow, the director of the blood drive. Cedars uses about 40,000 pints of blood a year for emergencies and organ transplants, Berlow said.
“It gives people a feeling of well being,” Berlow said. “It helps them feel connected to their community. You get to be a hero without running into a burning building and saving lives.”
Students who choose to donate blood receive free food and a t-shirt after donating. Senior kinesiology major Patrick Skoll said that he feels students can walk away knowing that by donating, they’ve been able to help someone in the community.
“It feels good to give back to someone who might need blood some day,” Skoll said. “It’s definitely got a philanthropic aspect to it…part of it is about giving back to the community and giving back to those that need help.”
In a pre-consultation, nurses ask questions about recent travel abroad, and sexual activity. To be a donor a candidate must weigh at least 110 pounds, bring their government-issued ID and be free of new tattoos, Berlow said.