
CSULB students considering teaching can learn more at Education Week

Graduate Studies Director Mary Anne Rose speaks at the Preventing Sexual Violence in Education forum in the Karl Anatol Conference Center for Education Week on Monday.

Tucked away in the north end of campus and in the back of most students’ minds is the College of Education.

The College of Education is hosting Education Week at California State University, Long Beach all week to highlight the services and programs it offers students.

“[The CED] feels this is a good way to showcase all of the programs in the college, and to make sure all CSULB students know that the College of Education is here, ready with information,” Cynthia Grutzik, the CED associate dean and coordinator of the week-long event, said via email.

The California Public Education System is ranked last in the United States based on student to teacher ratios. An additional 100,000 teachers need to be hired in order to reach the national average, according to the California Teacher’s Association.

California has the highest ratio of students enrolled per teacher in public elementary and secondary schools, with an average of 24 students per teacher in fall 2012, according to reports from the National Education Association.

“We’ve had a slump in hiring teachers the last five years because of the economy but it’s really turning a corner,” Grutzik said in the article.

Mary Ann Rose, the director of graduate studies for the CED, said that undergraduate students often major in what their parents want. She said that as they go through college they realize they want to give back through education

“It’s never to late to be an educator no matter what your major is,” Rose said. “No matter what type of other background experience you’ve had teaching, counseling and school psychology are always available to you. There’s no limit.”

The Education Job Fair, which is the last event of the week and is held every spring, is open to all students, graduates and community members. More than 90 employers are participating in the job fair.

“Last year, our students were getting job offers that same day.” Grutzik said an Inside CSULB article.

On Monday and Tuesday students can explore programs in the single subject credential program, special education credential program and master’s degree credential program by speaking with CED staff and faculty.

“This is a great way for students to find out more about becoming a teacher or earning a Masters degree,” Grutzik said.

There was a Preventing Sexual Violence in Education Settings forum to increase understanding for professional development on Monday, according to the CED website.

An International Education Mixer, also on Tuesday, will inform students about study abroad programs. Students can access information about education career opportunities in an international setting, according to the Education Week information page.

On Wednesday the CED will host a College of Education Student Assembly Mixer entitled “COE-Chella.” Students can network with students, faculty and staff, according to an Inside CSULB article.

“[COE-Chella] is an opportunity to come and meet other students who are in the college of Ed program,” Rose said.

Students can participate in an open forum with the Dean of the CED Marquita Grenot-Scheyer, where they will have the opportunity to ask questions, give feedback and voice concerns about their CED experience, according to the Ed Week information page.

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