
Criminal justice agencies inform CSULB students

Cops – The Criminal Justice Student Association hosted a job fair aimed at helping students network with criminal justice agencies on Tuesday. (Madison D'Ornellas | Daily 49er)

Criminal Justice major serves more than just the police officer or lawyer career path.

The Criminal Justice Student Association hosted a job fair on Wednesday to help students network with agencies in the criminal justice field.

“In our field law enforcement is a very broad, very general field of work,” Officer Juan Morales from the Los Angeles Police Department and a CSULB alumni, said. “One of the things I like to tell students is that the best thing to do is to do their homework as to what department they want to work for, what branch of law enforcement they want to work for.”

The CJSA invited agencies that provide internships and job opportunities to students. The event was geared toward students interested in law enforcement, probation, corrections and anything in the criminal justice field, Tommy Dao, a senior criminal justice major and the CJSA president, said.

“By [attending the event] you get to talk to people who have experience inside the law enforcement field,” Dao said “Some of [these officers] are Cal State alumni. They share stories and you can feel a connection with them.”

Morales said that it was an honor to help students and that if he won the lottery, he would “do law enforcement for free.”

“It’s a very rewarding career,” Morales said. “We definitely have the ability to make an impact in someone’s life. I think its important for a person’s success to never lose focus on what their dream is.”

Customs and Border Protection Officer and CSULB alumni Lucia Diaz said that she would advise students to research and know what they are actually getting themselves in to.

“[Law enforcement] is not easy,” Diaz said. “Make sure you know it’s your passion.”

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