Over 100 international students received vaccines and other services from Student Health Services in California State University, Long Beach’s University Student Union ballrooms on Tuesday.
The American Language Institution, a department that offers English Language programs on campus, organized an immunization clinic for international students.
Sean Cochren, Associate Director for ALI, said the immunization clinic was organized to help answer any questions international students have about their vaccination records.
“ALI students are part of the college community and need certain immunizations that are required by the school,” Cochren said. “This is helpful to have because they have large amounts of questions and records and sometimes don’t speak very well English, so we try to help and facilitate their needs.”
The services at the immunization clinic included checking vaccination records and administering vaccinations on site if necessary, said Kandi Dubrall, a licensed vocational nurse and Clinical Coordinator for Student Health Services. Dubrall said one of the most challenging issues for both international students and nurses at the immunization clinic was translating the student’s vaccination records.
“The year requirements for vaccinations in some countries are different, so the records have to be translated into English year requirements,” Dubrall said. “If the years don’t translate, the students will be given another vaccination.”
The clinic offered Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR), Hepatitis B and Meningitis vaccinations. TB tests could be taken for students from high-risk countries, Dubrall said. Hepatitis B and MMR vaccinations are required for all CSULB students. Meningitis vaccination is required for all dorm residents.
Prices for the vaccinations ranged from $2 to $113 depending on the type of vaccination received, according to the CSULB Student Health Services website.
Angela Girard, the Director of Nursing for Student Health Services said Student Health Services works closely with International Students Services to organize immunization clinics, which help ensure compliance from international students to get their vaccine records checked.
“This is absolutely helpful for [international students] because ALI arranges one group setting which makes it easier for the students,” Girard said. “It’s best for convenience to do it at the same time, same place, and same day.”
Faisal Abokhodair, an international student from Saudi Arabia, was one of many to receive vaccinations.
“The [immunization clinic] was helpful,” Abokhodair said. “I received Hepatitis B and MMR shots.”
Cochren said ALI organizes a vaccination clinic about four to five times a year and usually the third week of every semester. This offers international students different opportunities to receive vaccines and have all of their questions answered.
“don’t speak very well English”. I certainly hope I didn’t make such a mistake in our phone interview, Maddison. 🙂