
media:scape tables in library optimize group work

A group of students utilize the new media:scape tables to work on a group project on the fifth floor of the University Library

Newly implemented media:scape tables, which connect laptops to LG TV screens, can enable more collaborative learning on the fifth floor of the library.

According to Steelcase, media:scape’s manufacturing company, media:scape “merges furniture and technology to help teams quickly and easily share information.”

By connecting laptops to the large screens, students can optimize group work and create a more interactive space for producing power points and online projects together.

“The point wasn’t meant to make the whole floor Star Wars Episode Twenty,” said Tracey Mayfield, Associate Dean of the library. “[media:scape tables] are there to help facilitate the group work we know you are already doing.”

In addition to the LG screens, the media:scape tables include “media wells” that carry cords to connect laptops to the TVs. Instruction booklets are currently on the four to five seat tables and directions for connecting laptops are drawn inside the media wells.

Mayfield said that the media:scape tables were put into place during winter break and are part of a bigger project looking to make the fifth floor “entirely for collaborative study.”

Mayfield also said that infographs are being developed to help students learn how to use the media:scape tables.

“I think since everyone is pretty tech savvy, they could learn it pretty quickly,” said senior classics major Courtney Llaban. “But I don’t know if it would be necessarily used for educational purposes.”

Llaban argues that the new technology will serve less for educational use and more for entertainment purposes.

“During the regular school days I’m pretty sure it’s going to be for entertainment, Llaban said. “That’s essentially going to be like a Netflix area, lets not kid ourselves.”

Fellow senior classics major Megan Gilbert said that group projects would lead students to the media:scape tables.

“I probably won’t use them this semester because I won be on campus as much and I don’t think I have any group projects that I would use that for,” Gilbert said. “But I think the only time we would use it for school related [purposes] would be for a group presentation and just testing them.”

Steven Bowyer, a first year geography grad student, said incoming students “[may be] a little hesitant to use them, unless they see other people using them.”

“Not everyone will need the media:scape tables, and that’s okay,” Mayfield said. “They are only meant to be an aid to you guys and are there if you need them.”

Mayfield said that more new additions to the fifth floor would include new carpet, more collaborative furniture and charging stations for cell phones and tablets.



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