
Alumnus appointed as Long Beach Chief of Staff

As a college student, Michael Clements changed his major multiple times and had no intention in working in politics. More than 10 years later, he now works as chief of staff.

The Cal State Long Beach alumnus was recently appointed this month, along with Allison Anderson as field deputy and business liaison and Heidi Wiersma as field office coordinator, to work for Long Beach’s 5th district Councilwoman Stacy Mungo. Although Clements works in the political field, he didn’t study political science during his time at CSULB.

He said he studied English because he believed English majors had great job prospects due to news articles he read. After graduating, however, Clements said he decided to go into banking and finance, which he pursued for over a decade.

“It provided very well,” Clements said. “It lead a good life, and allowed me to have a life.”

Although he said banking treated him well, he said it was not always going to be his main focus. Starting in 2006, Clements said that he started involving himself in the Long Beach community by joining different community organizations such as the Long Beach Junior Chamber.

“I developed a love for city engagement,” Clements said.

Eventually, he said he participated in former 7th district Councilman James Johnson’s campaign for office, which helped contribute to Johnson’s victory. After Johnson won, Clements became his chief of staff.

“A chief of staff’s duty is to execute the council member’s vision,” Clements said. “Basically keep things running smoothly for the council. I enjoy the work I do here.”

Clements said for those interested in being part of the politics in Long Beach to “get involved [in the community]” because there isn’t an easy path in becoming a city official.

Clements said that it is important for people to “know who your city council” is and attend meetings and vote for electives.

Only 17.5 percent of voters in Long Beach voted in the last primary nominating election, according to the city clerk’s website. Roughly a five percent increase from the previous five years of voter turnout, according to the city clerk’s website.

“Elected officials do listen, and want to listen to their community,” Clements said. “They want input from their community, but people have to put effort into speaking up.”


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