Upper campus was abuzz with health booths and safety workshops yesterday for the first “Living Well @ The Beach” Health and Safety Week event.
The information fair kicked off outside the Speaker’s Platform and featured more than 50 booths of health and safety resources available on campus, a women’s self defense demonstration, wellness screenings, disaster readiness workshops, emergency medical technician (EMT) signups and fitness demos.
The event, sponsored by Student Health Services, University Police and the Department of Recreation and Leisure, aimed to raise student awareness of the health, wellness and safety offered on campus, according to Mishelle Laws, assistant vice president of events and administrative services.
“We have so many different health and safety groups on campus and so many services that the students don’t know about,” Laws said.
Junior human development major Gabbie Hunte, who took advantage of the sidewalk CPR workshop guided by Mark Worland from the School of EMT, said the tutorial was very informative.
At the Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) booth, students were able to write a confident or encouraging message on post-it notes and either give it to someone or stick it somewhere on campus.
Laws said an important event to take place for Health and Safety Week will be the disaster readiness workshops, which will include interactive active shooter demonstrations.
“I think that was one of the big drivers of the event, people asking ‘What do we do for an active shooter? What do we do for evacuations?’” she said.
The active shooter demonstrations will aim to equip students and faculty with a plan of action in the event of an active shooter on campus, Laws said.
The rest of this week will showcase an array of events, including lectures on crime prevention and sexual assault, as well as free HIV, sexually transmitted disease and pregnancy testing through a mobile clinic.
The LifeFit Center @ The Beach and Student Recreation and Wellness Center will also host fitness demonstrations and workshops throughout campus such as Aqua Fitness, Gentle Yoga, Krank Fusion, Ultimate Frisbee, RowFIT, strength building classes, rugby and martial arts demonstrations.
Laws said increasing awareness and inspiring students to take advantage of the many services offered is the inspiration behind this semester’s Health and Safety Week.
“Almost all of this is happening on campus,” Laws said. “But what this week does is pull it all together so we can promote it and everyone can learn about what is already here and available and all the great resources there are.”
10 a.m. campus-wide evacuation drill.
1 p.m. RAD women’s self defense demonstration at the Friendship Walk.
2 p.m. Nutrition Workshop at Student Health Services. There will be a film screening of “Fresh” and a discussion following the workshop.
5:30 to 8:30 p.m bicycle traffic skills 101 class in the College of Business Administration Room 228. The class is similar to a drivers education class but for cyclists.
6 p.m. Take Back the Night rally in the Maxson Plaza to raise awareness for domestic and relationship violence.
7 p.m. Take Back the Night speak out at the Soroptimist House.
9 a.m. to 3 p.m. American Red Cross Blood Drive at the Beach Circle.
1 to 3 p.m a mobile command vehicle will be educating students on fire safety and prevention, as well as emergency preparedness.