Cal State Long Beach’s University Student Union is set to undergo an evaluation by the USU Board of Trustees to decide if infrastructure renovations should be made to the 40-year-old building.
Dave Edwards, USU executive director and Associated Students Inc. associate executive director, said recent piping and drainage issues in the building were a result of the building’s age.
“There are not really any new plumbing problems in the USU,” Edwards said via email. “However, the USU will be celebrating its 40th year in operation and, with that milestone, comes the recognition that the original infrastructure of the building may need some upgrades.”
The USU staff will stay up-to-date with continued, routine maintenance on drainage in the building.
It will also look into more long-term options to improve the building’s infrastructure and prevent future problems. The USU Board of Trustees would decide which problems to address first.
According to Edwards, it is too early in the process to determine what these specific changes might be.
“We continually do maintenance on our drainage and piping all the time,” Edwards said. “So our maintenance efforts will continue as long as the building is in operation.”
In September, someone wrote on the comment board located on the second floor of the USU, complaining about the USU’s first floor bathrooms.
The comment read, “The first floor bathroom always smells like sewage.”
The USU Board of Trustees recently replied to this message writing: “That’s nasty! Your USU is 40 years old and it’s beginning to show its age with piping and draining problems. We’re trying to find ways to remedy problems like this. We’ll keep you posted.”
Edwards said the comments are gathered every month from different spots in the building and then are reviewed and responded to by a committee from the USU Board of Trustees.
“All comments are taken seriously, but some are given fun responses,” he said.
As for the specific problems causing the odor in the first floor bathrooms, Edwards said it has been taken care of.