
Suspicious device leads to evacuation of library

University Police determined that a suspicious device, found inside the Academic Services building restroom, was not a threat to campus, after evacuating the University Library and AS building Tuesday night.

Police were hesitant to handle or touch a device after a concerned phone call alerted them to the scene.

The device was later described as a clock.

Shortly after the call, the Long Beach Police Department was contacted for assistance.

The LBPD was then joined by the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Office (LASO), which usually deals with threats of this type, according to University Police Capt. Scott Brown.

After inspecting and taking apart the clock, LASO determined it was not dangerous, reopening the AS building and library at 11 p.m.

“There might have been an overreaction and it could make people more nervous than they need to be,” said Elsa Slusher, a junior accounting major.

University Police evacuated staff and students from the AS building and the library at 9:37 p.m. with little explanation.

“It’s our right as students to know what’s going on so we feel secure,” psychology major Daniel Cho said during the evacuation.

Library staff made an announcement to inform students that the evacuation was not a drill and that everyone should exit the building immediately.

University Police redirected students away from the building and toward Parking Lot 6.

Meanwhile, students gathered in front of the library, asking what was happening and why they were being asked to clear the area.

“What if it was a bomb?” sophomore aerospace engineer student Brandon Diaz asked. “You have to take precautions so no one gets hurt.”

According to University Police, there have been threats on campus in the past. However, officers said they are prepared to handle situations such as these.

“We respond and evaluate each incident and take action based on our findings,” Brown said.

The investigation remains ongoing and no further details will be released, according to Toni Beron, vice president of public relations.

In 2010, Lecture Halls 150 and 151 were closed due to a bomb threat. Following a search by police, no threat was found.

In 2009, University Police discovered an improvised explosive device at the recycling center, and the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office Bomb Squad took custody of the device. There was no explosion or injuries during the incident.

Brittany Sterling contributed to this report.

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