
Former ASI treasurer to be OrgSync liaison

Jameson Nyeholt, a former ASI Treasurer, was hired by ASI to be a liaison between OrgSync and the student government organization.

The OrgSync student organization program is now officially being integrated into Cal State Long Beach through a new student position known as Applications Support Assistant.

Former Associated Students Inc. Treasurer Jameson Nyeholt, who was on the decision committee that decided to contract with OrgSync, now functions as the official liaison between OrgSync and CSULB.

“The job description entails managing the web applications that ASI uses,” Nyeholt said.

According to ASI Executive Director Richard Haller, there is absolutely no conflict of interests involved in this situation, despite Nyeholt’s previous position.

“We opened the job,” Haller said. “Our Human Resources department posted it in June. It’s like a special project. It’s just to get it up and running.”

Though the job was posted online and several applicants were considered, Nyeholt’s past support of OrgSync and his love of technology made him a strong candidate.

“I really enjoy technology,” Nyeholt said. “I’m kind of a nerd in that way. I have the belief that technology can make things a lot easier if you use it right.”

The position of applications support assistant was recently formed using additional money from the Student Success Fund, which allowed enough resources to open the position. Currently, the job appears to be temporary — viable only until OrgSync is fully established on campus.

“It’s going to take all summer to implement,” Nyeholt said. “I am going to be working really closely with [Student Life and Development] to ensure it is ready by fall.”

Though Nyeholt doesn’t technically work for OrgSync itself, he personally supported it during the voting process and expressed an interest in the idea of taking his talents directly to the source.

“OrgSync seems like a great up-and-coming company in higher education, and it looks like it has a lot of potential,” Nyeholt said. “If I had the opportunity to work for OrgSync, I would definitely take up the offer. Having a passion for technology, and web 2.0 applications, I think I would definitely enjoy such an experience.”

While he enjoyed the overall experience of being ASI Treasurer, Nyeholt admitted to not being a fan of some aspects of the job.

“It was a lot of paperwork and bureaucracy and I don’t like either of those things,” Nyeholt said. “I didn’t run for office again because I am going to be working on my honors thesis this year, and I needed to tone down my involvement slightly in order make sure I could focus on it.”

Haller operates as Nyeholt’s supervisor during work hours, but has no direct link to the integration of OrgSync other than to make sure it gets done.

“I facilitated the solicitation process, [but] I wasn’t involved in the selection of OrgSync,” Haller said. “I’m not directly involved in the implementation of OrgSync. That’s what Jameson has been hired to do.”

OrgSync is a social networking platform for student organizations. It is expected to be up and running by the end of summer and fully integrated into the campus lifestyle by the end of fall semester.

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