

Osama bin Laden is seen in this screen grab from Al-Jazeera's satellite channel a day before the second anniversary of the September 11 attacks.

President Barack Obama announced Sunday night that Osama bin Laden was killed in an American-led operation in Pakistan.

The search for bin Laden, whom Obama called a “terrorist responsible for the killing of thousands of innocent men, women and children,” was a top priority for the United States since al-Qaida claimed responsibility for the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.

Obama said he worked with CIA Director Leon Panetta to carry out the operation.

According to the president, a U.S. team received a lead on bin Laden last August, and last week had solidified enough evidence to take action.

The president confirmed that bin Laden was killed in a firefight with U.S. forces Sunday in a compound in the city of Abottabad, near the Pakistani capital of Islamabad. He said no U.S. forces were killed in the operation.

Obama described the event as a step forward in fighting terrorism.

“The cause of securing our country is not complete,” Obama said in a televised address to the nation, “but tonight, we are once again reminded that Americans can do whatever we set our mind to.”

Obama described the operation as a joint effort between U.S. and Pakistani operatives and sources said that U.S. Special Forces as well as CIA and Pakistani operatives were involved.

Obama praised the work of U.S. authorities and said the killing was justice served for Americans who lost loved ones in the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

Footage of Americans gathering in front of the White House was broadcast on CNN.

Crowds of hundreds chanted “USA” and sang the national anthem.

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