
Update: Prospector Pete statue gets undressed

CSULB's Prospector Pete statue was decorated with a cape and rugs.

Cal State Long Beach’s mascot had been sporting a makeover since Tuesday, but it has since been taken down.

The Prospector Pete statue by the Language Arts buildings was dressed in a cape with the CSULB emblem and Walter Pyramid design on the back. He was also endowed with a decorative rug. It was taken down around 2 p.m. Wednesday.

“Typically this is a prank usually by a frat or something, but I don’t know,” said Paul Johnson, superintendent of building trades with facilities management. “Somebody has taken some time to put this together.”

Johnson said a few weeks ago that a fraternity put a T-shirt with its logo on the statue,  but the T-shirt was removed.

The makeover also could’ve been an art project, according to Johnson. He said, though, that art students usually alert officials before doing something to the statue.

Johnson said he didn’t know who took down the decorations.

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