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Dirtbags’ stadium to be renamed in honor of long time benefactor Marilyn Bohl

Long Beach State announced that Blair Field will now be called “Bohl Diamond at Blair Field” after after multi-million dollar contribution.

Blair Field, home of the Long Beach State Dirtbags, has been renamed Bohl Diamond at Blair Field it was announced Monday after long-time benefactor Marilyn Bohl made a $5 million dollar contribution to the program.

“It’s unbelievable that someone is giving hard earned money to a specific cause and we are the beneficiary of it,” head coach Troy Buckley said. “There’s a lot of responsibility and awareness to it.”

Bohl has been a long time benefactor of Dirtbags baseball since moving to Long Beach in 2001. Her love for sports, baseball especially, has motivated her to invest in Blair Field and the baseball program.

“I thank god and each every one of you for the chance through the Dirtbag program to make a difference,” Bohl said. “The Blair Field renovation project is not completed by one or two or three gifts. It takes a team and a lot of people supporting the Dirtbags in a lot of different ways.”

Bohl shows has shown her support for the team and the community in more ways than financial investments. You can find her in her box seats at nearly every home game.

“Blair Field was the place to be on Friday nights,” Bohl said. “The players are people you can be proud of off the field as well as on the field and that’s important.”

The contribution will fund a renovation project to the facilities that includes upgrading stadium lights to allow for more nationally televised games while strengthening regional and super regional host bids, improvements to the stadium including an area for player development, including academics, playing surface improvements and finally improvements to stadium amenities for the fan environment. According to athletic director Andy Fee, renovations will be put on hold until after the 2018 season.

“We have talked about working through the season but it’s a unique site that would not allow us to do so,” Fee said. “As soon as the season concludes we want to begin construction.”

Blair Field has undergone recent additions of the Jered Weaver Bullpen behind the right field fence, the Tulowitzki Batting Facility and the Dirtbags’ clubhouse; all finished before the start of last season and funded in part by a $1 million contribution by Bohl in 2016. The new additions last season certainly played a role in the team’s success last year in winning the Big West Championship, a NCAA regional and hosting a NCAA super regional. Bohl gave again with the hopes of more on field accomplishments and to continue the bond between LBSU baseball and the community.

“It’s a big big deal,” Buckley said to Bohl. “Thank you, I love you, we’re appreciative and this is great and much deserved day.”

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