After the release of the Ferguson verdict, someone anonymously hung a large red, white and blue poster off the balcony of the social science and public administration building at Cal State Long Beach that read, “The fundamental Danger of a nonindictment is not riots, its more… Darren Wilson’s.”
In the wake of the recent Ferguson and Garner verdicts, protests and riots are breaking out across the nation. Last weekend, a peaceful protest in Berkeley ended in tear gas and several arrests, according to the New York Times.
In order to provide a safe opportunity for students and faculty to discuss the recent court hearing and aftermath, the Student Life and Development center will co-sponsor “Critical Dialog: Black Lives Matter” with the Multicultural center at CSULB on Tuesday.
“We want to provide a safe space for students to have an important conversation about what’s going on in our society,” said Magdalena Muñoz-Perez, the Multicultural Programs Coordinator for the Student Life & Development center. “This is a timely conversation going on nationwide.”
The event will include a panel discussion about the recent Ferguson and Garner verdicts. The featured panelists include University Police Chief Fernando Solorzano and Lloyd Scott, a retired police officer.
“This is an issue prevalent in students’ minds,” Munoz-Perez said. “This is not only critical conversation, but necessary to the campus community.”
Students Justin Bradley and Janay Watts will also speak on the panel, along with Dr. Ebony Utley from the communications department, Blair Miles from the office of Equity and Diversity and Dr. Tracy Tolbert from the school of criminology, school of criminal justice and the emergency endangerment department.
“We hope to offer a deeper context historically and in the present, provide space for students to have a deeper conversation about deeper issues,” Munoz-Perez said.
The panel discussion will be held in the University Student Union ballrooms a, b, and c on Tuesday Dec. 9 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.