
Project 2025 will transform California’s educational landscape, for teachers and students

President Donald Trump signs 26 executive orders on day one of his term including limiting diversity, equity and inclusion activities involved with the federal government. Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Project 2025 is in place to transform the United States from former President Joe Biden’s left ideals to President Donald Trump’s right ideals.

It aims to have students excel by passing all power over education onto our state officials which would give more attention to California’s students, but how likely is it for the state to achieve this outcome?

California voted blue in the last election, so I believe keeping the power in individual states will benefit California by giving the state more control to make democratic decisions through the next four years.

However, the California Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Education have differing jobs, and the adjustment will be brutal. An excellent outcome will be hard to obtain in California and across the country.

It will take time and effort to make the system whole again. 

The federal Department of Education supports student’s need for accessibility, mobility and diversity. The abolishment of this department would also cut off crucial resources students need to prosper – proving America has no care for protecting diverse groups.

Affecting students and educators, Trump’s administration has already taken action to eliminate Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiatives in the department. This included removing or archiving all documents around DEI and placing DEI workers on paid leave.

This order has put future educators on high alert for the outcome of their futures. Long Beach State education students have been in uproar, voicing their concerns as future educators.

“When marginalized people find community in spaces that were never truly designed for them, conversations are had, and people realize how unfair our systems truly are,” education major Jocelyn Gomez said. “This then threatens white, cis-man privileges, and this is exactly how they react to preserve their dominance.”

Diverse ideology in the school system allows minority students to feel welcomed and comfortable in their school environment, giving them a safe space to succeed.

Trump’s plan to remove all diverse ideologies in the classroom will cut off the support systems in place for these students, leaving them with no outlet.

“Now a big concern for me, despite the need for multi-subject educators, I worry if dual-immersion programs will still exist,” Gomez said. “I am applying for my credential program next year, and worry I will be wasting time if I continue with the BILA credentials program.”

The pressure is consuming the students studying fields that are being targeted right now. Filled with the fear that their degrees will go unneeded or unwanted.

Project 2025 has a 180-day playbook to reverse more progressive policies. Hopefully, we will have more clarity for the future. The next four years are in the people’s hands, using their voices to shape a better future.

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