
Letter to the Editor – ‘Killers will kill’ no matter what

Concerning the Feb. 15 Our View, titled “Killings example of gun control issues,” I feel that your assertion that “All anyone has to do is look around to realize that guns always end up in the wrong hands,” is patently false. That implies that every gun that has ever existed either has ended up, or will end up, in “the wrong hands.”

I have news for you. Killers will kill no matter what tools they have available. Remember Rwanda and the “Machete Massacres?”

An armed populace would have been able to defend themselves, but they were denied the right to self-defense. The military certainly isn’t standing guard over my children.

So that leaves me. Would you deny my children the right to be protected from violent criminals by their father? If so, you are as bad as the criminals who would do my family harm.

– Chad Landry, Corpus Christi, Texas

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