
Students celebrate African History Month at CSULB

The legendary South African singing group, Ladysmith Black Mambazo,performs at the Carpenter Performing Arts Center to help kick off African History Month on campus.

For most of us, the month of February reminds us of dating, relationships, chick flicks and stale heart-shaped candy. But for many on campus, February is much more than the month of love; it is African History Month.

The African Student Association Family (ASAF) held a kick-off ceremony for African History Month Thursday on the University Student Union’s Southwest Terrace. Along with refreshments, African trivia and prizes provided by ASAF, music was provided by KJLH 102.3.

“This is our month to celebrate and learn,” said Nonye Nzenwa, a committee leader who ran the event.

For many blacks, it is a month to recognize and be proud of their history and culture. For others, it is a month to learn more about African leaders, politics and art.

ASAF provides students guidance to study and understand themselves. All month long, the organization will be holding events to inform students about the black presence and influence in the world. These events are a source for all black students on campus to learn and understand more about their heritage.

Additional events that are planned for the month include the African History Month banquet (which will be held annually), community service events and a number of panels and speakers tackling issues faced by the black community.

For a full schedule of events, visit www.csulb.edu/org/cultural/assa/.

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