Special ProjectsStudent Choice Awards Winner

Hilltop Park provides the best view of Long Beach

As the sun begins to set over the horizon, locals enjoy the evening with their loved ones by basking in the views. Photo credit: Sam Farfan

Located at the top of Skyline Drive in Signal Hill sits Hilltop Park, voted the most picture-worthy location in Long Beach amongst Long Beach State students.

Not only does the park provide the perfect ambiance with stunning sunsets every evening, but it’s picnic tables, paved walkways, benches, grass areas, public restrooms and mounted binoculars provide the perfect park experience for all who visit.

Many locals bring friends, family members and significant others for evening painting sessions, picnic dinners, photo shoots and sunset-watching sessions for a peaceful end to the evening, including Jose Garcia.

“I come to Hilltop often because as a Signal Hill resident, I’m spoiled to have this viewpoint so close to me, and for me not to enjoy it as often as I can seems like a waste,” Garcia said.

Although this viewpoint location is frequently visited by Long Beach locals, residents from neighboring cities in L.A. County travel the distance to Signal Hill just to enjoy this very park.

Former Long Beach local Eliza Tran reminisces on her weekly commute to the park when she lived in the city.

“I would come to the park as often as a couple times a week back when I lived here. I live in Norwalk now so whenever I’m in the area, I try to stop by just to clear my head—it’s my own form of therapy,” Tran said.

The sculpture near the fenced area of the park is dedicated to the oil field workers of Signal Hill, showcasing the rich history behind the city’s main export.

Because the park’s parking lot consists of only several parking spaces, it is recommended to look into street parking during your next visit to Hilltop Park.

Next time you find yourself wanting to take the perfect Instagram photo in one of the most memorable locations in Long Beach, consider stopping by Hilltop Park in Signal Hill.

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