The first episode of the eighth season of “Game of Thrones” premiered Sunday night and as the Daily 49er staff worked feverishly on this issue, the speculations began to flow in abundance. The staff took the opportunity to air their opinions about the fate of the final season of the popular HBO show.
How do you feel about Game of Thrones?
Rachel Barnes, Arts and Life Editor:
I live and breathe “Game of Thrones.” I have been watching the show for as long as I can remember, and I love being completely immersed in the world of the Westeros. I have fond memories of binging the first three seasons to catch up, and all of the watch parties and marathons I’ve experienced while being a fan of this show.
Perry Continente, Assistant News Editor:
Almost everything about “Game of Thrones” is inspired. It only takes one look at the show’s rabid legion of fans to realize it’s something special. I love almost everything about the show and even when it stumbles, it is surrounded by such amazing characters, production design and plot, which all make it is easy to forgive.
Sabrina Flores, Opinions Editor:
I’m not actually a die-hard “Game of Thrones” fan like the majority of the staff on this paper. I never really got into the concept, although I am a huge fan of fantasy and dragons. I find the commitment of watching an entire series so vastly intimidating and “Game of Thrones” is a beast that I cannot dedicate myself to. Despite this, I feel genuinely happy for the people who do enjoy the show!
Kevin Colindres, Sports Editor:
I got into “Game of Thrones” near the end of Season 4, and while I’m not an “OG day one fan,” I’m pretty hyped about the final season. I got really into it when I started watching it with my dad, so it’s become something that we enjoy viewing and discussing together. Hopefully the story fleshes out well, as the show definitely has set the benchmark for high quality television when it concerns production, writing and narrative.
Mia Bradford, Assistant Design Editor:
I started watching “Game of Thrones” when Season 4 aired, and I still think it is one of the best series to date. I usually don’t watch fantasy, but what is so unique about this show is its ability to bring all types of audiences together and keep us entertained the entire time. Though I’m sad for it to end, I’m ready for spin-offs!
What do you think is going to happen in the final season?
I always hate trying to predict what happens in the season because I’m typically wrong. However, I do really hope that Daenerys and Jon don’t get married or have any more sexual interaction as they are related which is pretty nasty. What I’m really hoping is that Cersei gets what’s coming to her because I’m quite frankly tired of her winning.
I think it’s going to be a bloodbath. Major characters will be cut down left and right. No one is safe from the massacre. I don’t think that the White Walkers will win or anything, but the ending will be bittersweet. There are so many characters who I want to see live through this, but I’m positive that most of them will die. I’m excited for the huge battles and more intimate character moments.
While I have not the slightest idea what might be in the last season, I’m sure I will inevitably hear about it.
I think the White Walkers will destroy a big chunk of Westeros. The writers might toy with the idea of making it appear as though the bad guys win, but at the last second, Gendry is going to save the day. Knowing this team, the character you least expect will end up being the last man standing.
I think the final battle is going to be brutal. Jon and Daenerys’ army is going to be sandwiched on both sides with Cersei and Euron’s army in the South and the White Walkers in the North. I love Cersei. She’s a total badass, but I don’t believe she’s pregnant and when Jaime finds that out he’s going to kill her.
Who would you like to sit on the Iron Throne?
More than anything, I want Dany to sit on the throne. Her journey to power has been one of the empowering stories I’ve been able to witness in modern television. I hope to be pleasantly surprised with how everything goes down because I know better than to expect anything when it comes to “Game of Thrones.”
I think it’s going to be Jon. My prediction is that Daenerys will die at the end and a very sad Jon will be left to rule. I think that Jon and Daenerys will push through the whole incest thing and remain together until then. It’s going to be weird.
I know there’s a dragon, so I hope the dragon wins for obvious reasons.
It doesn’t really matter to me, but Podrick being on the throne would be the greatest thing to happen on this show.
With his shocking and vast character growth throughout the series, I’m actually hoping that Jaime Lannister ends up on the throne. It’s too much of a happy ending if it’s Jon or Daenerys.