
Osama’s death should encourage US unity and pride, just as 9/11 did

I’m just going to go ahead and say it: President Barack Obama has just put an exclamation point on one of the greatest revenge stories in the history of the world. Not only has he also all but ensured that he will be elected for a second term with the death of terrorist mastermind Osama Bin Laden, but he will also go down in history as one of the greatest presidents of all time.

For the last ten years I have been a huge supporter of the “War On Terror,” as ambiguous as it was, because I felt it was necessary for the U.S. to stay vigilant against threats here and abroad. This proves that the “War On Terror” was not — and is not — in vain. It is a success. I also believe that — as a people — we should never forget Sept. 11, 2001, and it should always serve as a stark reminder of the lengths fanatical extremists are willing to go to make a point.

But in one of the best revenge stories ever written, the man who masterminded the attack that inflicted so much pain on Americans has now been killed by one of the best special operations teams ever assembled. I don’t know who was on the team, but I would like to shake all of their hands personally. I would have also loved to first-handedly witness the bullet that is responsible for putting the face of terrorism to death.

But even still, amongst all the celebration, there are some people who just don’t seem to see the significance of this and what this means to the world as a whole. I was disgusted to sign on to Facebook and see an acquaintance of mine telling Osama Bin Laden to “rest in peace.” “Rest in pieces” would have been a better choice of words, but for the life of me I can’t understand why anyone would feel even an iota of remorse or dignity for a mass murderer of Bin Laden’s ilk.

It is news like this that makes my heart swell with pride to be an American, and it should do the same to yours. It’s also a great swift kick to any of Obama’s naysayers and critics who all-too-often claimed that he hasn’t done anything and even have the audacity to question Obama’s nationality. In one swift, badass motion, Obama said, “Here’s my birth certificate. Oh, and here’s my foot up your ass, Bin Laden. Suck it.”

What’s even more promising is the change that is apparent around all the problem areas in the Middle East and elsewhere. With pro-Democratic movements occurring in Egypt and the hunt for Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi currently underway, the world is coming together in a sense. This is not only great news for Americans in general, but it is also an extreme blow to al-Qaeda and supporters of extremism.

Islamic extremism is a disease that runs deep among many regions and critics are often silenced and beaten into submission by groups like the Taliban and al-Qaeda in regions where anti-American and anti-Democratic sentiment runs high. While those in league with Bin Laden will likely remember him as a hero, his death is truly a blow because he was essentially the face of terror.

The “War on Terror” is waged against an enemy that doesn’t wear a common uniform, is tough to pick out of a lineup and doesn’t fight for the exact same reasons. With its figurehead killed, it is important to remember that there is work still left to be done. But for a moment, let us appreciate the armed forces and heroes here and abroad that have given their lives to this cause and in the defense of freedom.

I, for one, am proud to be an American. In the words of video and arcade game “Mortal Kombat,” President Obama wins… fatality.

Gerry Wachovsky is a graduate student and columnist for the Daily 49er.

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