Republican Senate candidates Carly Fiorina in California and Ken Beck in Colorado failed to give a straight answer regarding how the government will be able afford further tax cuts on this past Sunday’s public affair shows, according to a Huffington Post blog.
Fiorina went as far as calling out “Fox News Sunday” host Chris Wallace for asking her this “political question.”
Sure, Republicans and politicians alike are asked similar questions pertaining to the national deficit without fail; however, something must be said about how Republicans are unable to give one concrete example as to how they expect to decrease the deficit with more tax cuts.
Roundabout, incompetent answers to these questions such as “we must put every possible solution on the table” and “engage the American people in a discussion about entitlement spending reform,” simply do not cut it. No pun intended.
It has been evident since the government began cutting taxes in the early 2000s that these cuts have not been effective in boosting our economy and producing jobs. These cuts have, in fact, caused our economy to fall into what seems like an infinite regress of economic recession, with job creation at its lowest since the Hoover administration.
It is ridiculous and shameful to continue to uphold a current tax policy that only benefits the top 2 percent of America, but royally screws the other 98 percent of us. This system clearly isn’t working.
The problem is delusional teabaggers and Republicans want to continue to decrease taxes on our income, but they cannot come up with another way to pull America out of its multi-trillion dollar deficit. They want to increase jobs, yet send the few jobs we do have available to us overseas. And this is a good thing? Americans should want for this to happen?
Alas, every election cycle these manipulative politicians manage to scramble up enough followers to pull through and make sure the things on their selfish agenda get done, while completely disregarding the needs of the rest of the people in this country.
When will Americans realize that Reaganomics does not work? The “trickle-down” aspect of the Trickle-Down Theory never happens; the rich just get richer, while the rest of us are forced to work in menial positions — if at all — when some are overqualified to do so. Don’t believe me? See: Everyone graduating college today.
It seems as if politicians such as Fiorina, Beck and the like are fine with however the deficit is eliminated, so long as not one dollar comes out of their own pockets in the process. There they are, sitting on their thrones of cash, wiping their asses with the money that some of us actually need and put to good use.
Fiorina, among others, danced around this relatively straightforward question because if the average American actually knew her answers, he would be rudely awakened — hopefully — by the illogical response.
What, you say, is the GOP master-plan to restore fiscal responsibility? Modify, or completely cut, the programs that are making our country socialist, according to the Republicans.
To be sure that the wealthy stay wealthy and the rest of the people struggle, Republicans will raise the age for social security and Medicare, eliminate minimum wage, eliminate financial and environmental regulatory programs, outsource more jobs overseas, break unions and repeal national health care reform.
Does this sound like the America you want to be a part of? Whether you realize it or not, this potential decisions affect you and us.
I urge you to vote in this upcoming election for what is in the best interest of the people as a whole. Because, let’s face it, most of us will not become a part of the 2 percent financial elite.
Jessica Wood is a senior biology major and a columnist for the Daily 49er.
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