
The Apartheid wall returns to LBSU’s campus

A student walks past the Apartheid Wall
Hazar Abukhalaf, electrical engineering major, gazes at the “Apartheid Wall” in lower campus. She was raised in Palestine and shared what the wall meant to her to other onlookers.

The stark, imposing Apartheid Wall reappeared on lower campus Monday in recognition of this year’s Palestine Awareness Week.

The wall itself is a symbolic installation made up of multiple segments, each of which has facts and statistics regarding Palestinian history and issues specifically pertaining to the conflict between Palestine and Israel.

Fourth year Spanish major and member of the Muslim Student Association, Deema Alomar handed out flyers by the wall and talked to interested students about the wall’s purpose.

“Sometimes people are looking for more in depth conversation about the issues,” Alomar said. “Other people are just here looking for basic awareness of the issue.”

The Apartheid Wall travels to different university campuses throughout the year, and each wall segment has the name of the university whose students helped to create that specific section.

In previous years, the installation was located in front of the campus bookstore and was presented by the Students for Justice in Palestine organization. The location changed a few years ago, and this year the event was run by the Muslim Student Association.

Alamor said she appreciated the change in location.

“This is a pretty good location,” Alamor said. “A lot of people come by.”

Fourth year environmental science major Taylor Solorzano said that she especially appreciated one section of the wall that addressed anti-semitism.

“I think it was cool that they said we reject all forms of prejudice, especially the anti-semitism,” Solorzano said. “I know a lot of people think that because you’re against the Israeli government oppressing Palestinians that you’re anti-semitic.”

Solorzano said that she found the Apartheid Wall to be highly informative.

“It’s very educational,” Solorzano said. “I already know some of the facts about the oppression of Palestinians in Israel, but I didn’t know the exact history.”

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