You might have discovered some new catchy song and infectious dance within the last weeks. No, it’s not the stanky leg. To add, the song isn’t even in English.
Hit single “Gangnam Style” by Korean pop artist Psy has gotten millions on their feet and dancing. Not only has this music video generated more than 300 million hits on Youtube, but Psy has also made guest appearances on Ellen and the MTV Video Music Awards.
“It’s very surprising to see that Korean music is playing on the radio,” said senior Korean American Student Association President Rachel Kim.
“So many artists have been trying to become popular in America, and this one guy who wasn’t even expecting his song to be this popular is the first one to have his music played here,” she added.
Korean pop music isn’t a new fad in the U.S. Many artists like the Wonder Girls and Girls Generation have already been popular among American audiences.
However, they’ve had to make English versions of their music. Psy, on the other hand, did not. It’s the novelty of the music video itself that’s gotten him this instant worldwide success.
In “Gangnam Style,” ridiculous, unexplained situations are happening in the background as the Kpop artist performs his song. Whether it’s explosions near old people, Psy yelling at a girl’s butt while she’s doing yoga or a random tourist pelvic thrusting in an elevator, the music video will not only have you dancing, but uncontrollably laughing.
“I’m really proud of [Psy] and his music,” said junior Korean International Student Association President BK Choi.
“Even though his song is played in Korean, people in the U.S. love his music and dance. I realized that people always seek new things, like Psy’s music. Maybe people want to laugh and release stress through his music.”
With “Gangnam Style” making the Billboard charts and Itunes, will this open the door for other Korean artists? How about other foreign pop music?
“I’m proud that we finally crossed borders and our music is being played in America,” said Kim. “I believe it’s going to open a lot of doors for new Kpop artists.”