
Here’s who’s open for business on Thanksgiving

While we’re all sitting around our tables with our family, enjoying good food and giving thanks for everything we’re blessed with in our lives, masses of people will be working their shifts in retail.

Even though our hearts go out to them, it gives the rest of us something to do other than sit with grandpa and pretend his jokes are funny.

Thanks to Yahoo News, here’s a list of retailers that will allow you to cut your family time short and shop early for the holidays:

Kmart: Open 6 a.m. to 9 p.m

Toys R Us: Participating stores will open at 9 p.m.

Walmart: Open at 10 p.m

Best Buy, Kohls, Macy’s and Target will open at midnight to kick off the Black Friday madness.

Let’s all remember however, that there’s a person behind the uniform. Don’t just give thanks for all your blessings this Thanksgiving, but also thank the checkout guy or girl for giving up their holiday to ring up your purchase and pretend they like you.

Happy Thanksgiving! 



  1. No way to find it but to reset it.
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  2. Just a side note from a former retail worker: if the store is out of that Thing You Must Have Now, don’t be an ass and take it out on the clerk. Take a breath, be an adult, say “thank you” and either order it online or see if another store has it. This is especially true with toys: your kid or your niece/nephew/cousin won’t die if they don’t get the latest Piece of Imported Plastic Crap from China…honest.

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