Arts & Life

Christian clubs recruit students at Week of Welcome

Students stop by during week of welcome to learn about the regions Beach Catholic and Cru. Beach Catholic and Cru also have an Instagram page, crucsulb and beach_catholic, for more information. Photo credit: Joel Martinez

Beach Catholic and Cru were among the handful of religious clubs that recruited members at Long Beach State’s Week of Welcome on Jan. 30 and Jan. 31.

The two clubs are both Christian but have different religious denominations.

Beach Catholic is the only Catholic Christian club on campus and Cru is one of a few Protestant, nondenominational or interdenominational clubs. Both organizations minister to believers and nonbelievers of their respective faiths across college campuses.

“It’s such a blessing to be able to be a student leader for Beach Catholic,” Daniela Gomez, beach catholic president said. “I have the opportunity to meet so many students and become close to them through Bible studies, prayer and events we host.”

There are about nine Protestant or nondenominational clubs on campus, including Cru and one Catholic club. Gomez said that Beach Catholic aims to develop healthy relationships with these groups on campus and inspire unique visions for their organizations.

“The path we strive for is the same one and our love for Christ is the same…. there’s always room for more,” Gomez said.

Benjamin Morck-Winter, who has been attending Cru meetings since last fall, is grateful to have a space of like-minded people who are passionate about spreading his faith.

“It feels a bit disappointing that people aren’t more receptive to having Jesus in their lives but it is also really great having a community of people with the same values,” Morck-Winter said.

Darren Yan is a member of the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship club and started going to Cru meetings this semester. He has felt supported by both organizations but especially enjoys the social opportunities in Cru.

“They [Cru] have become a very welcoming club that wants to help others know who the Lord is in a fun way,” Yan said. “They always like to somewhat meet almost every day and that is also another thing that I see that makes them unique.”

To get involved with Beach Catholic, Cru or other religious clubs on campus, students should check BeachSync for more information.

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